More Than Horrified … I Am

The Love Revolution's CURRENCY

Yet, for every eruption of a volcano the planet has, every eruption of a madman’s gun pointed at innocents — we endure. We heal. We pick ourselves up and wonder at the shocking drama that continuously unfolds before us. Most days, the play, the interaction is filled with more marvel and mystery than misery. But this past week, with another school shooting — the drama has taken a very sad turn, once again.

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What to do with Others’ Karmic Tugs and Pulls?

Following the ray of light that leads us to change, we often run into others’ problems or challenges that inadvertently affect our being able to feel happy in whatever life situation we choose to be in. This is often the case when one decides to marry or partner with someone who has young children from…

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how not to worry–and change!

today i have a NEW PAGE for you, which is a “permanently displayed” share, found on the upper right side —>>> so please click and read:  “G:  how NOT to worry” in the Light, lordflea

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