Healing Using Chakra Energy

2nd chakra is orange

2nd chakra is orange

She was abused as a child. Everything she did was affected by the suffering she felt, consciously and subconsciously, from that day forward. The abuse happened when she was ten, but by the time she was a teenager she was deep into self-loathing as a result of what had happened to her. The details of her abuse aren’t important. What is, is that they were life-altering to her.

She grew to be a person who, in time, became aware of the spiritual energies that are part of being human. One day she found herself enrolling in a weeks-long chakra workshop (each week, a different chakra) not even knowing what that was, exactly.

When the day the second charka workshop began, she was chosen to be the volunteer who would be “worked on” while two others in the workshop would be “the healers.” The workshop, with around thirty in attendance, was split into teams of three each. Each team chose the person to be worked on, who was asked to lie down comfortably on the thick carpet, while the two healers knelled on either side of her. They would be doing “the work.” One healer was positioned at the head, the other at the foot of the person being worked on.

What “the work” was, entailed both healers’ concentration of their spiritual energies directed toward that area of the volunteer’s 2nd chakra, the area below the navel and above the groin, deep inside the body.

The room was quiet. All ten sets of healing trios were quietly doing the work, sending their own personal power, concentrating it toward that particular chakra’s energy center.

Suddenly the woman who was gently holding the head of our subject, let’s call her Linda, yelled, “Oh my God! Do you see that!?” while at the same moment the woman who was holding Linda’s feet yelled simultaneously, “Shit yes! What the hell is that?!”

Linda popped up her head, “What? What? What is it? What’s going on?”

Both healers at Linda’s head and feet, remained stunned for a moment, looking at something that Linda couldn’t see. Linda remained prostrate as the two women gasped and silently made noises of alarm back and forth. Others in the room had turned to look at the commotion. Nobody could see anything out of the ordinary, except for the two healers at Linda’s head and feet. Then the two women spoke quietly to Linda while continuing to hold onto her body.

“I just saw a huge orange ball with a big black hole in it rise up from your 2nd chakra!” one woman said.

“I saw exactly the same orange ball, it was all lit up except the big black hole in it,” the other said. “Then it went whoooosh — and disappeared somewhere away from you!”

“That’s exactly what I saw, too!” the other one said.

“What on earth could that be?” both asked Linda as she continued lying down.

“I know exactly what that was,” Linda said. She clearly was not in any doubt about this. “I was sexually molested as a child, and I’ve been carrying around so much pain, agony, and desperation all my life. I felt like my life was condemned to unhappiness, forever. That black hole you saw — that’s the way I’ve been feeling since it happened to me twenty-five years ago!”

The workshop members had already learned that the color associated with the 2nd chakra is orange, and its mantra is Wam. They had already had discussions about the level of consciousness that represents this rising-up of human potential. The 2nd chakra is about feelings (see previous post of LordFlea for more info about the 2nd chakra).

Linda reported back to her workshop friends in the weeks and months to come, that she felt absolutely released from the psychic pain she’d been trapped in, before this 2nd chakra healing took place.

Years later, up to this day, Linda continued saying, “After that healing session, I never felt sorry for myself at all. I just felt like what happened, happened. I began to realize that the abuse I suffered, instead of ruining my life, had pushed me into being a spiritual seeker. Maybe I would never have known such heights of happiness, as I do today, if I hadn’t been abused? I don’t know. But today, I just accept that this happened to me and I no longer feel a victim, or shattered, or confused about sex, all of which I felt before the day of that incredible healing.”

I hope you, my reader, know that healing can take place any time you set your mind to it. If you feel that you have suffered any kind of hardship, remember this story. And set aside some time to devote to sending your own spiritual energy (called intention) to that part of your self that feels injured, harmed, not right. You don’t have to be specific about which chakra, or even know what specific event might have caused you discomfort. All you have to know is that you want to be happier than you are.

Please leave me a comment below, I’d love to hear from you! I want you to know that I’m soon sending out “audio clips” of helping to still the mind as a FREE gift of my appreciation for your interest in my work. Stay in touch! Leave me your email below. Thanks.

Wishing you all my love and Light, your pal,

LordFlea aka teZa Lord




  1. […] When the day the second charka workshop began, she was chosen to be the volunteer who would be “worked on” while two others in the workshop would be “the healers.” The workshop, with around thirty in attendance, was split into teams of three each. Each team chose the person to be worked on, who was asked to lie down comfortably on the thick carpet, while the two healers knelled on either side of her. They would be doing “the work.” One healer was positioned at the head, the other at the foot of the person being worked on. (click here to continue reading on my blog lordflea.com) […]

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