What To Believe … and Not Believe

Listen to IT, mixed media, 37x33 inches

So many versions of reality to choose from! I’m amazed just looking at my screen, which to choose from. And forget about tuning into a newscast! That’s almost like committing reality suicide, being completely held hostage by whomever it is that’s calling themselves the pundit, commentator, influencer, or, gulp, reporter. And so I’ve grown to…

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The Cause, and the Solution, for the Israel-Hamas Conflict

Big Heart of Compassion

(The following is an excerpt from my 2019 nonfiction book, Hybrid Vigor: a True Reveal of Love. This discussion occurred when I’d been living in Israel the entire year of 1981, before the radical Brotherhood called Hamas was formed, in ’87) From Chapter 8: The Alchemy of Love ******** One day over tea I, in…

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An Illustrious Tribe of Thoughtful Readers

Wisdom Within

Important milestones are acknowledged by all of us along our path to higher understanding. To some of us it’s meeting our mate, or graduating from college, or helping someone out of a big jam. For me, along with many other touchstones that have added significance to my personal quest of attaining inner peace, books have…

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How We Can Save Ourselves

There Is Always Hope

I have come to the realization (long ago, but stronger with each passing moment) that the most important thing in life, anyone’s life … is Love. And by this, I mean, “How do we acknowledge the unifying energy that binds all in creation together, as One.” An acronym came to me the other day for…

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Trauma Teaches Us Hard, but Needed Lessons

Hybrid Vigor: a true reveal of LOVE

A mishap as slight as a splinter or sprained ankle, or as serious as a broken neck teaches each of us to be more kind to our own body. So too, the resulting effects of social unrest, the political divide, Climate Change, not to mention the deadly pandemic still raging around, are showing us citizens…

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We Are a Universal Blended Family of Humankind

Heal Our World by teZa Lord

We’ve all had to adapt and change during the past year and a half, due to Covid, the great tormentor. But Covid is also a great spiritual teacher! That’s right. You heard me correctly. Without Covid, a lot of us would never have gotten the lesson so directly that how we accept hardships is entirely…

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What Suffering Teaches Us

the dance of meeting needs

There’s an old saying. Some say it’s from Zen Buddhism, others say it’s universally a spiritual teaching that applies to anyone wishing to become happier. “Only a cracked pot allows the light in.” What does this mean? To me, it’s clearly about accepting our impefections. In Japan that’s called wabisabi. This is a philosophy that…

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Choosing to Accept Change

Choices by teZa Lord

Many people have a hard time accepting what is. For some, this is a struggle; for others, because they’ve been practicing it for a while, fears and sadness, disappointments and projections simply don’t stick like they do to others who don’t know being content about “all things” is a matter of practice. Being conscious of…

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Change is the Name of Covid’s Game

Covid the Game-Changer

Many are suffering. Many lives have been lost, and countless others impacted, some minimally, some horrifically. Loved ones have been lost. Jobs are lost. Having lost in-person contact, school-age kids are sadly freaking out in record numbers. Mental health workers can’t keep up with the demand in schools for trauma training, comforting all record numbers…

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Let the Inner Light Shine!

Inner Light by teZa Lord

Inner Light by teZa Lord These days, I’ve learned to trust my feelings. But there was a time, when I first began on the path of Self-Awareness, when I was told not to trust my feelings. “Feelings are not facts,” I was told, by means of a warning to never trust what I felt to…

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