A touch … so precious

Dear Friend, What are YOU choosing to spend your time on these challenging days? During these pandemic times we’re in, many of us are reaching out for a human touch due to the restrictions in place, both socially and psychologically. In America we’re a Democratic nation, we have the choice of what we do with…

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At last, I’m here! a puff of wind!

Friends, I haven’t posted on LordFlea for ages, that’s why I’m so happy to finally have time/energy to share with you. I hope some of you got to follow the podcasts my consort Carter and I have been doing since June, when we set off on our extended journey. If not, here’s the link for…

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On the Road with My Consort

Please remember to love your Self first, then everything falls into place.

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Please remember to love your Self first, then everything falls into place.

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Vision Quest, Here We Go!

Hi Everyone, I’m writing from a historic old farmhouse close to Portland, Maine, where consort Carter and I just had a weekend-long family reunion with our wonderful relatives! So many great people in our close-knit blood-and-spirit group, I could make an entire post about them all. Each and every person unique and marvelous in their…

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Life is “to make Wonderful, Wherever”

So many incredible things are happening in my life right at this moment. As I look at the date of my last post, I can’t believe how much has occurred in just a short month. Most importantly, our family celebrated the beautiful wedding of our son, Cully and his lovely bride, Katie. My consort Carter…

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Why I Call Myself Spiritual

Anything else—wondering, doubting, partying our brains out, believing in fairy tales, fearing an imminent planetary apocalypse, or any other kind of spiritual hijinxs promoted by would-be assassins of Love, those promote power leaks, like judging others—only wastes precious spiritual energy by creating holes in one’s life’s sturdiness.

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Noname Says …

Whenever I wish to access my inner wisdom (some call this my angel or my higher Self) … I do this simple little ceremony:

first, still my mind (prepare time-space for a few-minutes meditation)
then slow my breath (by consciously following the in-out breath)
and invite into my emptied consciousness, my pal Noname (this gets easier with practice, of course).

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The Scrumptious Flavors of LOVE

Look, friends! And LISTEN to my PechaKucha talk about LOVE! https://www.pechakucha.com/presentations/the-scrumptious-flavors-of-love Then … remember! And Spread the Word about LOVE … it’s for each of us to choose Love over Fear, Anxiety, Worry, Confusion, etc. etc. Let’s change our immediate daily vibe with thinking about Love and not any negatives. Then Love will spread ……

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Going With the Flow, Literally

All you have control over, really and truly and honestly, is your own Self. And by that capital “S” in Self I mean the BIG you, the one that knows that Great Spirit, or God, or Presence, or Consciousness, or whatever “Name” you’re comfortable with—is in charge. It’s not until you give yourSelf completely to the fact that you ARE a spiritual being wearing a human skin, that you will know true peace, within and without.

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