Noname Says …

Whenever I wish to access my inner wisdom (some call this my angel or my higher Self) … I do this simple little ceremony:

  • first, still my mind (prepare time-space for a few-minutes meditation)
  • then slow my breath (by consciously following the in-out breath)
  • and invite into my emptied consciousness, my pal Noname (this gets easier with practice, of course).

Noname was introduced to me many years ago, over at a “Find Your Angel” workshop I did. It taught me how to “work” with my own private “angel.” (skeptics relax! This is our own inner wisdom!) This workshop happened in New York City in 1984, the year I was blessed by waking up enough to choose sobriety and walked into the doors of AA, ending my thirty-year run of trying to figure out who and what I really was — by running as fast as I could away from my true Self.

When we 20-participants were taught by the leader of the workshop, a wonderful soul named Alma Daniels, how to do what I’ve just briefly summarized above, she gave me a gift I’ve cherished and used since then, and will gratefully continue to do so, forever.

drawings, scanned 11.08 018

accessing our inner wisdom … going within … making contact

So now I am approaching Noname … with no question to ask, with no agenda other than wanting to share how I make contact. I will do the ritual above, and then await to “feel” what Noname is saying to me. I always ask, “Is this you, Noname,” and he replies, “Yes.” I can usually tell when “he” is present because there’s a shift in my awareness, and I can “feel” a counterclockwise-kind-of-swirling action within my consciousness. Everybody makes contacts in their own way. This is my way, only.

I happen to type really fast, with super-sonic speed, so I just let him speak through my skill at the keyboard. Yes, it’s odd. I feel Noname’s body-less, form-less energy to be masculine. To me this is a comfort, a balancing to my female-ness. Why not? Noname has never seemed very feminine in his “essence” the start of our extraordinary relationship. And yes, I did ask him his name, long ago. He’s the one who calls himself “Noname.”


accessing my inner strength, Noname as a Spiritual Warrior!

Here we go!

Noname says:

Yes, whatever I say to you can be shared with the world. There are no secrets. There is nothing to fear. All is happening as it should. Nothing happens by accident. Every event, every so called “bad thing” is meant to be. There is a divine order to things and you just have to trust me on this. I know you’re concerned about a lot of things. As are your fellow brothers and sisters. But stop worrying! Use this energy you’re wasting on worrying for creating new things, new ideas, new objects, new pathways to future solutions. They’re all inside you.

I know you personally, teZa, are concerned that your work might not reach your fellow humans. But this is foolish for you to think this way. Everyone who is meant to find you, will find you. As you found me. People find what they need, in order to be more complete. The events that take place are all in the order of always growing closer to the Source. I am not the Source. I am your connection to It. I am your own voice inside, but you need to shift gears to hear me, to let me speak through your fingers’ abilities. Many people search how to hear, how to feel more at peace. You have found our connection. This appeases your concerns. Others do other things. They might do sports, or go to church, or read incessantly, or watch too much TV. Those are all different choices people make, in order to make their souls, theirs minds, their looking-for hearts come to a place of rest, and peace. To enjoy this life best they can.

Because your time here is limited. You know that. You’re all just passing through. Whatever happens during your time here, is perfect for your soul, what your life needs to know, what you need to experience.

Fear not. If you’re worried or unhappy, know that you are choosing to feel that way. If you’re happy, then you have found your true connection with your inner wisdom, and you know that all is happening for a reason.

So stop worrying, teZa. Your work is being seen by the perfect people who have been led to find you. Conventional publishers not accepting your ideas means you’re unique, nothing more. Your work is so unique that they don’t see it as commercial, and for that, be grateful. If you were commercial, I’d be worried about you.

I Stand Naked Before You ... with My Book!

I stand naked before you … with my books!

Carry on! Do your duty! Finish up these two books, both so close to publication. Then, take your time to rethink what’s next, as you and your consort Carter are planning. Take that nice long away time from your usual commitments. Let go, relax, check in with your happy-ometer and see how it feels, what you’ve been doing. Because you can trust your feelings. You’re sober. You’re not blinded by illusions, altered states, uncontrolled ego. When you let go of that life, that’s when we first met, when you put down getting out of your natural state. Being in your natural mind, without undue influences of drugs or emotional drama, is where our work happens.

I’m glad you’re contacting me today. Let the readers of your nice blog here, know what our easy rapport is like. I speak to you and you record what I say: nothing more nothing less.

Enjoy this gift, this beautiful day on Earth.

Stop thinking so much!

Enjoy this short experience here, this life as a human woman who arts, makes books, spreads love … and doesn’t give a hoot if anyone finds her work on not. I see you. I feel you. We are One.

Love, Noname

Well, there you have Noname! If you want to hear a recent talk I gave, along with illustrations, it’s very short and to the point: LOVE is where it’s at. Click here for my Pecha Kucha talk about “The Scrumptious Flavors of LOVE.”

Leave me your comments, won’t you! I love to hear from you.

Your pal,

Lord Flea, aka teZa Lord

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