Vision Quest, Here We Go!

Hi Everyone,

I’m writing from a historic old farmhouse close to Portland, Maine, where consort Carter and I just had a weekend-long family reunion with our wonderful relatives! So many great people in our close-knit blood-and-spirit group, I could make an entire post about them all. Each and every person unique and marvelous in their own fashion. But I simply can’t, because I have tasks to perform yet before starting off tomorrow. You see, Carter and I are taking off then on the next in a series of one-after-the-next adventures that started almost three weeks ago, when we left our Florida home to car camp all around North America for many months. If you see us, give us a wave on the road! We’re the loaded-to-the-hilt SUV with three bikes jiggling on the back, and a giant black storage Thule unit on top, distinguished by the professional repair job yours truly did with fiberglass on its busted-up rear end.

Yes, Carter and I are now on our long-anticipated “vision quest.”

So what does that mean? Well, vision quest an oft-used phrase that most truly relates to what is common to the ways of the indigenous peoples all around the globe. Whether Native Americans here in the U.S. or the Aborigines of Australia, or other naturalistic people all around the globe who are still more closely related to, and live their daily lives according to Nature, a vision quest is a ritual that is enacted usually by an individual … to “find” their true Self. In our case, with my paramour Carter and I together, as a couple, we are journeying for many months not to escape anything, but rather to “find” our individual truth, the deeper truth of our next phase here on Earth. Each of us, teZa and Carter, hope to find out more about ourselves in this manner. And thus, find out more about our relationship to Life, and how best we can serve others with what we discover.

Carter has just finished the phase of his life being a dedicated and successful father and businessman, and needs a re-boot. Me, I’m always happy to go deeper within my inner Self, and learn more intimately what makes Life Itself so much more meaningful than just a daily grind, getting-through, or … wondering about. We both feel so blessed to have this opportunity to go on this special journey. We have planned and saved for this for years! And now — both our kids happy, healthy, on their own — it’s our time.

So I won’t go into any other subject right now because — instead! — I’ve started a podcast! And the podcast will share with any who wish to participate, what we’re thinking about, where we’re going, what we’re doing, and all sorts of crazy spontaneous things in between.

I’m learning the techie aspects of setting up the podcast so you can listen, and FIND it easily.

Until I do, just click this link and you’ll see what’s up so far. More news later. Be well, my friends. I’ll keep up posting on Lord Flea, even though now I’m an official podcaster.

thicker outline 300 jpegWith great love and respect, your pal LordFlea, aka teZa

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