Life is “to make Wonderful, Wherever”

So many incredible things are happening in my life right at this moment. As I look at the date of my last post, I can’t believe how much has occurred in just a short month. Most importantly, our family celebrated the beautiful wedding of our son, Cully and his lovely bride, Katie. My consort Carter was asked by the couple to be the officiant of their special union, and so it was especially intimate, with Cully’s dad being the celebrant. I can see why Cully and Katie wanted Carter, and no one else. Carter, my husband of almost 3 decades, has the biggest heart of any person alive, and his son, Cully, takes after his father’s loving, compassionate spirit as much as his daughter, Fonya, has Carter’s lovingness embedded in her as well.

I could go on and on about the wedding, but … there’s too much other news to share, and my time is limited. Why? Because as I type, outside in the driveway sits “Duke,” the red Chevy Tahoe that will be home base for Carter and me for the next many months. Yes, we’re hitting the road! Cully’s wedding was the target of our take-off date, and now we’ve done all we need to do, and are taking off first thing tomorrow morning. Soon as Carter visits the Motor Vehicle Office and registers the car for this next year, something that slipped his mind, or … more likely … the email or letter with the due date got lost in the mad shuffle leading up to the wedding.

So many preparations for not only a big event like a wedding! And now, also, a car-camping trip, complete with containers for tent, sleep-gear, cooking, clothes, etc. etc. Not to mention the yoga mats, and next manuscript I’m bringing, as I’ll be final-editing the next book I’m readying for publication.

Which brings me to another subject entirely.

The ZLORD Podcast! It’s here! It’s up! It’s public! It’s a reality! It’s the way I’ll be sharing what’s up with a lot of folks who like to listen to podcasts. And for you who like to read Lord Flea, which is how I’ve been publicly sharing for the last ten years, I plan on continuing the occasional posts. Usually I’m good for at least a monthly post, so I’ll try to stick to that. But for those of you who want to tune into the audial-only podcast. Here’s a link to the ZLORD Podcast, and I’ll try to put up a link on the sidebar, for those of you using computers. More learning! Each and every one of us has to learn new things everyday in order to keep abreast and aligned with what’s happening in the world around us. Here’s the podcast’s logo, designed by moi and photo-shopped by my good pal, Kathryn Arango.

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Hmmmm. For a person who’s not very techie, I’d say I’ve done a pretty adequate job of learning all I have HAD TO, in this effort of spreading the word of the books I publish. Sometimes my brain feels like it’s about to burst, because I really like to stay in the right-brain creative mode, yet techie-learning forces me to be wholly and fully in the left brain logical train of thought. It’s tiring. But I persevere. Kudos to my IT guru, Cody Bennett, who has saved my butt many a time in the recent years. Without help from our friends, where would we all be?

And last on this wonderfulness I’m spreading today, here on my spiritual blog, I want to announce that my third book is presently readying to be launched! It’s a nonfiction narrative about the waking-up to higher consciousness that happened to me, personally (not a how-to book, don’t worry!); with a sub-story of how I “see” that my humanness relates to many other animals’ traits. Each chapter looks at how different animals’ qualities are part of each and every one of our own abilities, if we but only choose to be aware of this. Our animalness is the general theme of this next book. I’ll tell you more about the illustrated book, its title, hints of the story line, and how you can find it in the weeks to come. As soon as it’s ready to go public.

Meanwhile, I send you all many blessings for all your endeavors. I hope you enjoy good health and choose to have peace within, no matter what’s happening all around you.

All love, Lord Flea, aka your pal teZa Lord

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