the time to nurture the world is NOW

I’m writing an ebook!

“Nurturing Self, Nurturing Others”

the time to nurture the world is NOW

the time to nurture the world is NOW

This post is an excerpt where I’m discussing how to the third of the only 3 Non-Rules needed to raise kids (from my years of spiritual stepparenting, being Angel Mom). But first, here are the three in case you need to start working with them in your own situation. They work!

#1 Non-Rule: See God in Each Other

#2 Non-Rule: Listen and Do

#3 Non-Rule: Hands, Feet, Mouth and Words to your own Self

We could summarize how to take thethirdNon-Rule into the world by saying:

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” — practicing the Golden Rule, in other words.

How can we say it any better? I don’t think there’s a better way that what the Golden Rule so succinctly states. In all the world religions there is a version of the Golden Rule, Stated either in its negative or positive fashion.

Because this is already a well known adage, and most people believe they live according to the Golden Rule anyway (or would like to think they do) that’s why we urge everyone, young or old, religious or non-affiliated, agnostic or atheist, faith-based or no faith, or trust only in science and intellectual proof of your personal beliefs, people from all walks of life, all ways of living, and from all the corners of the globe—we invite everyone to:

Sign the Charter for Compassion and Live Compassionately!

Get involved in this international grassroots movement (begun in 2008 by a joint venture of many international sources) that promotes the universal, non-political, non-religious understanding of how we can apply the Golden Rule to modern life, no matter where you live, no matter by what standards you live, we can change the world—right here, right now.

Visit the Charter for Compassion’s website and COMMIT to living compassionately. The Charter will be explored in more depth later in our discussion on nurturing.

we all THINK we live compassionately -- but do we, really?

we all THINK we live compassionately -- but do we, really?

Of course kids look at our behavior all the time, relying on signals and unspoken communications as well as directly spoken messages for how they ought to behave right now, to get clues about how to act later, when they grow up.

When you extend your love and compassion beyond your immediate family, by helping others less fortunate than yourself in any way you can, you teach an indelible lesson to your child(ren).

By refraining from judging others, bad-mouthing others’ behavior, complaining and/or whining about the state of the world affairs, or your neighbor’s weird lawn ornaments, and instead, get into doing and thinking about positive acts toward making our world a better place—this is not only the best way to teach your ward(s) that life is more than just about your own little life, your family, your familiar environment … but about all of humankind everywhere. The entire planet, including the living organism known as Mother Earth. A truly involved and evolved (spiritually enlightened) person cares about the fate of the entire world.

You, as an adult who lives in human society, may not need the “hands, feet” part of this helpful hint of how to nurture. But keeping your thoughts and words positive and uplifting, you feed the solution of our world’s problems rather than add to the burden of our world’s already overwhelming challenges in the years and decades ahead. This how each of us can apply this important Non-Rule to everyday life outside the raising of child(ren) or the uplifting of our own Self.

Remember that everything you say, or think for that matter, sends energy out into the world. Your words and thoughts are symbolic seeds of your intentions.

If you speak negatively, you are adding to the world’s dilemma. If you train yourself to speak positively, and learn to meditate, thereby gaining the ability to re-train your thinking to focus on positive, uplifting things—you are doing yourSelf a great service, giving your child(ren) a terrific boost to their self-esteem and starting them off on the right foot to becoming helpful citizens of the world—and, lastly, you’re helping the future of the entire world.

Everything counts! Every thought, word and deed, adds up!

Keep your words as positive as possible. They are a reflection of the state your mind is in.

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