Hello life-giving sun

hi friend, please check out my latest update to “We Are ONE” on the “page” side of my blog, to the right. every week i’ll upload a few more pages of this picture book for you. wow, the “brains” behind wordpress have really messed me up! somehow they’ve changed the editing format and i can’t…

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the offering: a book for you

hi friend, today i’ve started uploading my picture book, “We are ONE” as a gift for you, the reader of my blog. You’ll find it, each day a few segments added, over on the right, on the “page” column. here’s a sneak preview of the artwork: the only hint i’m giving is…yes, that IS a…

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Staring at my feet

Friends, the importance of what i spend my time doing the most of has been central in my thinking of late. y’know: you are what you eat, and you certainly become what you think. that’s why i haven’t been bloggin’ as of late. wanted to keep centered in my heart, and not just spew, at…

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Make each moment meaningful

Hi friend, what can i do to make my life more filled with that energy that excites me? that gets me out of the bed in the morning with a bounce and a purpose? for each of us it’s a different thing. i’ve been contemplating what makes ME filled with life’s exciting call to living…

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following your passion … whichever way the wind blows ya

hello friend, i’ve been sailing and motoring the inways, byways and channels around st. augustine this week!  in between nursing others in my family, and attending to bizness as usual, i had to do something to blow out the steam, and … sailing, being on the water, is one of my passions, as well as…

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Dare to be Spiritually Correct … huh?

Hi Friend, Just back from Boston where we spent a pleasantly gentile weekend attending a gathering of old college friends.  we got to share stimulating thoughts, discussions, symposiums, dances, exhibits, and most importantly, the sharing of life’s sweet laughter. as i’d mentioned in an earlier post, i’m starting a new awareness about all of us catching ourselves…

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no time no time, well…let’s make some anyway

hi friend, why does it seems like there’s never enough time to do the things we want?  instead, there are so many things we have to do that just fill up the hours of each day.  i’m starting a new club: make time for the things we need to do, find time for the things…

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the day after another storm hits

hi everyone, for a while there we all felt like singing, to the melody of “the twelve days of Christmas”…on the fourth day of Fay-ay, my true love gave to me. but then she (the hurricane that dissipated into a tropical storm) finally inched her way westward. we had mucho precipitation, but thankfully no major…

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