Blindly in Love with Love

Family of Merged Energy

My life quest, I was sure, was to find what meant the most, the deepest, the highest: the best. Limiting that search to a single long-term romantic partner never occurred to me, quite frankly. Believe me, I tried everything, everything! Going too far most times, traveling to the ends of the earth, excessively throwing myself…

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Staring at my feet

Friends, the importance of what i spend my time doing the most of has been central in my thinking of late. y’know: you are what you eat, and you certainly become what you think. that’s why i haven’t been bloggin’ as of late. wanted to keep centered in my heart, and not just spew, at…

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jaZZ and raZ-a-ma-taZZ, TIA-style

friends, last weekend i attended the savannah jazz festival up in savannah, to honor and support our good friend and world renown congo player, mr. Big Black. in case you’re wondering, Big Black is very big, and yes, he’s very black. Black, as he’s known to his friends, has played with most of the “old…

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the day after another storm hits

hi everyone, for a while there we all felt like singing, to the melody of “the twelve days of Christmas”…on the fourth day of Fay-ay, my true love gave to me. but then she (the hurricane that dissipated into a tropical storm) finally inched her way westward. we had mucho precipitation, but thankfully no major…

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