How to Breathe

Breathing is WAY more important than most people realize. It’s the core aspect of being alive, after all. People who want to make progress on the spiritual path ask me: how do I meditate, how do I visualize, etc. But believe me, nothing is more important that knowing, really understanding, the importance of proper breathing. If you have trouble stilling your mind or thinking peaceful thoughts, close your eyes and try this:

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Hello life-giving sun

hi friend, please check out my latest update to “We Are ONE” on the “page” side of my blog, to the right. every week i’ll upload a few more pages of this picture book for you. wow, the “brains” behind wordpress have really messed me up! somehow they’ve changed the editing format and i can’t…

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Staring at my feet

Friends, the importance of what i spend my time doing the most of has been central in my thinking of late. y’know: you are what you eat, and you certainly become what you think. that’s why i haven’t been bloggin’ as of late. wanted to keep centered in my heart, and not just spew, at…

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makin’ do with what you’ve got

excuse me while i chuckle. just got an email from my friend terry, who has just moved to moloki, hawaii, to caretake a 2,000 acre health/wellness/meditation complex with her hub, om-tom. she was writing me how hard it is, how things are just not running right, equipment breaking down, computer stolen when they went in…

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Dare to be Spiritually Correct … huh?

Hi Friend, Just back from Boston where we spent a pleasantly gentile weekend attending a gathering of old college friends.  we got to share stimulating thoughts, discussions, symposiums, dances, exhibits, and most importantly, the sharing of life’s sweet laughter. as i’d mentioned in an earlier post, i’m starting a new awareness about all of us catching ourselves…

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change…the only constant in the Universe

i’m off to cambridge, mass for a fun-filled, information-packed reunion at the revered alma mater of my spouse, and to celebrate life and all its changes with our good friends of many years. change…the only thing you can count on … i’m thinking how i change … my body … where i am … my…

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no time no time, well…let’s make some anyway

hi friend, why does it seems like there’s never enough time to do the things we want?  instead, there are so many things we have to do that just fill up the hours of each day.  i’m starting a new club: make time for the things we need to do, find time for the things…

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