YOU are The Most Important Person!

the LIGHT within us is the LIGHT of ALL

Every single person, black and white, felt Everett’s love for him- or herself. I certainly did. Because it was easy to imagine this affable, sweetly-smiling man who had time for everyone and anyone, to do such a thing.

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Love Conquers All — even the Worst

I truly believe America is the vanguard of humanity. It is reinventing itself right now, with the help of positive folk such as you and me as leaders of this new era we’ve entered: the Compassionate Age of humankind.

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Aung San Suu Kyi FREED!!

Today a miracle was announced to the world: The biggest hero(ine) in my life, as she is in Obama’s and so many other admirerers, is Daw Aung San Suu Kyi who has been released from house arrest, at last! This noble woman has suffered so much in the name of democracy, an ideal she knows…

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More Recession Thoughts

I’m in Maine for a reunion and blogging from my iPhone. Short and sweet. Was speaking of awareness-acceptance-action and, by applying this step-by-step method anything–ANYthing becomes possible. Why do I think the current recession is a good thing? Simply put: when people (or groups, even entire cultures) come to the end of a system that…

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