Posts Tagged ‘meditation instructions’
Finding the Courage to Change
(this is the 5th installment in “Maya’s Book of Change.” First installment began July 17, 2011) When I found myself at a certain stage of readiness to change, and had come to the end of a long bout of self-destructive behavior that included addiction and hanging with totally inappropriate people, I sought help. Only then,…
Read MoreHow to Meditate, in answer to a friend’s request
This is dedicated to all those who are suffering from life’s challenges, whether of a physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual nature. I just received an email from a friend who has been in great physical pain for months and has tried all medications. He was told to try meditation but hasn’t a clue where to…
Read MoreNever Give UP
hi friends, it’s a gorgeous day here in st. augustine, florida! the ocean is warming up after such a harsh nino-driven winter. the damaged plants are beginning to unfurl their bitterly bitten faces to the once again benevolent sun. trials, test, storms, continuous harshness–we have survived! just like the plants and animals in nature, we…
Read MoreStaying in the Light
hi friends… i sent this painting to a friend this morning via e-mail: and thought i’d take a minute to talk about it, seeing as she wrote back wow! see, this painting i did when i was first embarking on my journey into what i call “the Light.” What is the Light? Well, to me…
Read Morestaying calm in the middle of chaos
nature or people–storms happen! the chaos of life can happen at any time. storms come, sometimes as weather systems-storms, hurricanes or floods; at other times, storms are made up of just plain people with their threats, problems, troubles, illnesses, and neurotic modern-day dysfunctions. storms can surround us, even if we don’t want them to. it may not be our own problems that…
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