first things FIRST

sometimes we just don’t know what to do, when so many things need to be done and it seems, if they’re not all done NOW the whole world will fall apart.

what to do, what to do...

what to do, what to do...

know what i mean? been there? this feeling of being overwhelmed happens to all of us, even the most organized person. what i do is very simple, when i feel this way: i sit down and write out all the many things bothering me, needing to be done, and then sort them, in a kind of order according to things like necessary for survival (definitely always number ONE); immediacy for peacefulness in life (number TWO); and lastly, things that would be nice, but not absolutely necessary…to get done today.

of course in all three of those categories there are sub and sub-sub categories. it’s actually quite fun to arrange how to tackle life’s many complexities, when one uses this system of using a list, and learning to prioritize one’s many demands.

practice makes perfect. that’s all … just start with what you got now, and make a list, and sort it all out. things will get better little by little.

one day at a stick of wood at a action we choose to take...prioritizing, and creating order among the chaos of our lives

one day at a stick of wood at a action we choose to take...prioritizing, and creating order among the chaos of our lives

i’m talking about this today because someone i know very dearly is completely overwhelmed today, with a life-or-death issue concerning one of their children. and we’ve been talking about how important it is to keep our priorities straight.

i hope this tip helps, even if it seems so simple–it works.

in the Light, Lordflea

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