things are warmin’ up!

buenos dias mis queridos,
eso es una facto magnifico! ha ha, i love making up spanish! but one day i’ll know the real thing.
this is what the pose may "look" like

this is what the pose may "look" like

BUT … this is what the pose FEELS LIKE, inside, if you have married the breath with the movement, your tree grows powerfully 
vikrasana, as lord flea feels it

vikrasana, as lord flea feels it

one must never think there’s nothing to share. A person’s knowledge of anything is precious, and idiosyncratically–theirs. Take yoga, for instance. All the people I know who practice yoga are one-of-a-kind. Sometimes I look at yoga videos, for ages, just to figure out a practicioner’s “method” their grace, their breath, going into a pose. in particular i’ve been challenged with handstand. i have a real fear going on. with no partner to practice with, i am forced to use the wall. and this keeps me…back. filled with fear, i admit it. yipes! fear sucks. i have figured out i need to pull in the abs, get the curve out of my back, and after much experimenting, have figured out whether i point my toes, or my heels, makes a huge difference! what do you do? heels or toes to the ceiling? now i need a healthy dose of do-or-dare. courage!
getting help with handstand

getting help with handstand

wish you were here to be my yoga partner. but…we are … just a little bit away, for now.
i am at my desk most of the day, finishing up the “final edit” of my novel, “Dharma Brat.” HOPE it’s the final edit, because i’m sick of it! when i’m finished, i am going to change my life. i am going to stop being a workaholic, and get into something else. Speaking Spanish with YOU!!! yeah!
carter coming home today. he’s been gone for too long. first in vermont to ski with his buddies (I hate winter weather, so i opted to stay home, and edit!) and then to visit his daughter our in montana. gone 10 days. very long time for two who love each other as we do. i just decided i’m having a “happy warm weather” party, on the spring equinox, which is also the 20th anniversary of carter and me getting together.
gotta go tooth doctor, at 10. trouble trouble trouble in my mouth. too long story, and a real bummer. part of life. along with pursuing the Divine—we have to go to the dentist. sigh.
love, lordflea, hard at work!

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