First Things (from countless to choose) First!

Friends, It has been the longest stretch of “other things taking precedent” since I’ve begun blogging here at Lord Flea Sings, and WOW! have I missed feeling connected to you, all of you. So many things are running in my mind that I want to share, where to begin? Okay, like I tell myself when I get a little overwhelmed (which I’m not!) … take a deep breath and just go first things first. So here we go!

I’m just back from traveling to the North Atlantic island-country of Iceland, one of the most spectacular places I’ve ever visited. My mom Eve, who is an inveterate traveler, always has wanted to visit that isolated, yet famously unique place, noted for its hot springs and geo-thermal energy as well as its infamously bizarre artist/singer Bjork. You may remember her Oscars appearance one year when she won an award and received it wearing her now-memorialized “dead swan dress” that made me laugh but many others had to scratch their heads in wonderment. Ah, Bjork’s work is always like that. My favorite of her lyrics is “I miss you …. but I haven’t met you yet.”

Everywhere you look in Iceland you see HOT … steam rising from holes in the ground, old craters that once boiled hot magmum, miles and miles of ancient lava fields now covered with deep mattresses of spongy moss, or still craggy and wearing masks and figures of the spooky creatures the legends say arise from the lava … the huge TROLLS.

Lordflea with Trolls

Lordflea with Trolls

Hahaha. This was taken for my local newspaper, which I always thought a corny thing but my mom insisted. Like I said, it was mom’s idea to take this trip, and try as I might to dissuade her of such a long trip (age-related complications are quite common for long travels) nothing would stop her from visiting Iceland. Unfortunately she ended up in the hospital for the last part of our trip, due to an irregular heart rhythm, which was put back in rhythm instantly, but she had to rest afterwards. I used the time while she was hospitalized doing drawings for my upcoming publication of “Family Bliss NOW: a holistic approach to global transformation … one blended family at a time.”

Here’s one of the illustrations:

the tsunami of love

the tsunami of love

the image represents the multitudes of positive-thinking folks that are now abundant in the world — today! Right here and NOW. I know this because I’m one of them, and I’m connected to many of them via social media, and each day more and more of us find each other through our blogs, tweets, and facebook posts. Are you one? Won’t you join us in the pursuit of a worldwide revolution of positive-thought? You can do this (and here I divulge one of the important points of my upcoming book)… by not allowing negative thoughts to override the positive energy that is generated by the sheer FORCE of your mind’s focusing on … positive.

More about all these things real soon. I promise to blog more frequently, dear Ones … I miss you all!

In the Light, your pal Lord flea


  1. Carter Lord on August 27, 2012 at 8:55 pm

    We are lucky to have you in this world, Lord Flea. You are a kind and loving soul.

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