Feeling Upside Down and Shook Up? Good!



Feeling a little — shook up?

Before I ruminate about what the shocking presidential election means to me, here’s a video of last week’s book signing of my recently published artbook — We Are ONE — (available on Amazon and tezalord.me) so you can SEE for yourself how I feel about things in general, even politics in one quick sound bite. If you don’t relate, don’t bother reading further. I’m not here to convince you, folks, of anything. Here, I merely record my take on things, which happens to be in all instances, politics or pokemon, my unique point of view. I’m a spiritual blogger so the views expressed here are mine, period. If you relate, I’m glad.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KjNhlzhKc8?rel=0&w=560&h=315]

It’s been five days now since the world woke up to really truly, beyond a doubt, discover the shocking surprise that Donald Trump has been elected President of the USA. Every single person I’ve met, read and seen their mostly dismayed posts on Facebook and all of social media, have been shocked. Even T’s supporters, whom I know intimately, as well as Hillary’s.

I’ve decided to come clean about the way I feel –because I can, here, in this safe arena I’ve created for that purpose. I invite anyone to join me in expressing themselves without fear of judgement or retribution. Right here, in my space, Lord Flea Sings. I created this blog 9 years ago precisely to share who I really am, without any filters (social niceties) or any hold-backs or fears of ostracism. Because name-calling seems to be the new fad, before, and now even more so since the can’t-be-happening! results of this tumultuous election, I’m kindly asking any naysayers to at least be civil if you feel compelled to leave a comment. I welcome all p.o.v’s. Here, like on FB and other public arenas, I have the option to click “delete” for over-the-top nasty comments.

Some people who believe in politics don’t care to know how I feel. If spiritual neophytes happen upon this blog about consciousness-raising, they might feel they’ve boarded an instant transporter and have somehow landed on another planet. Certainly not one called mainstream thinking.

Followers of Lord Flea know that awareness is my bag and they genuinely care about what I have to say. Many readers have told me this. You don’t see too many comments here, however because I think that even leaving a post, to some people, is too daring a plunge into the other side of everyday existence, and it’s hard for a lot of people to be so brave. However, I welcome your comments and questions, just be kind.

Those of you who read my posts know that I live to serve the highest good, with honor, humor, and humility. Spreading the joy and exciting discoveries of an awakened perspective is my life, my work, and the nearest I can describe as my religion. Spreading the word (and images) of our unlimited consciousness and our interconnectedness seems to be the mission of my life.

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Being Aware is Each of Our Main Job

For the record, I do NOT go around publicly discoursing, unless invited to, about the views I express here in my safe spot. That’s because I want to save my “creative juices” for current projects I’m working on (the book on my desk is about teaching yoga and meditation to teenage juvies in lockup). Discussing with others, especially those who hold vehemently intractable, opposing views, is not my idea of fun. Believe me, after being a seeker all my life, since I escaped my parents’ middle class, average American household, I’ve come to discover there are more and more of us awakened souls, who hold similar points of view as I.

We are people who seek out, learn to use, and come to trust the innate goodness of our Inner Power, this thing called consciousness. We feel that all of life, not merely here on Earth but existence of any sort, anywhere — is an expression of Oneness. Unity Consciousness is one of its many names. Other ways of expressing this singular expression of presence, the consciousness we ALL have within us, is Chi, Prana, Spirit, even some broader definitions of what the word God means. Those who believe that God is Love, know this for themselves.

People who believe in the highest good, that God is Love, and that Trust in a cosmic order (that often appears chaotic), and the truth of everything in existence being linked, by consciousness, see God in every segment of the Mystery (plant, mineral, animal, etc). Consciousness keeps our Multiverse operating. The stars and the planets maintain their positions, and even far off galaxies behave in certain discernible patterns. This is the order to which I refer when I say cosmic order. Some patterns we know about through scientific discoveries, but others we are not yet privy to because, well, because of the limitations of our abilities. Someday we humans will evolve and be inspired enough to figure out the connection between consciousness and existence, but for now, we’re just beginning. The recent confirmation of the Higgs bosun’s ubiquity, the so-called “God-particle” is the beginning step of our understanding the interconnection of all life.

Recently I was at a conference on consciousness. Eckhart Tolle presented a 3-day event, “Living a Life of Presence” which is another way of saying, “Being Awake” as opposed to walking around half-asleep, thinking we’re all the way awake. Most of us have not yet begun to tune into the remarkably astounding and unlimited capabilities of our minds’ powers. This is what Einstein said, not Lord Flea. “We only use about 10% of our mental faculties,” the great physicist said. Tuning into the stillness within, what today Eckhart Tolle calls Presence, is our main job as conscious humans.


Around our globe, more gatherings are happening everyday, just like the one I attended in California in October. We were over a thousand curious souls who came from all around the States and a good part of the world, Japan, Italy, Turkey and Dubai to name a few places, to hear more about the inspiring speakers’ ideas that help reinforce our belief: that to elevate our consciousness is key to human evolution. All in attendance believed, as I do — and Eckhart Tolle, Kim Eng, Marianne Williamson, Jack Kornfield, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Daniel Siegel, Brother David Steindl-Rast and everyone from famous authors to technical assistants from Sounds True, the host of our gathering — that the consciousness-raising each and every one of us does, for solely ourself, is as essential as, if not more so, than any particular political platform. Consciousness awakening is a world trend. It’s more powerful than any Democratic or Republican agenda, or both combined. In today’s world, the awakening consciousness of humankind is much more wide spread and embraced than any other time in recorded history. Thank God!

With all that, I have to be honest that when I heard, a year or so ago, that Trump was running for President, I thought to myself, “Talk about a shake-up of the world order! BIG time! That seemingly-impossibility, of a clownish, inarticulate man who gleefully displays as many bad qualities as he can, would be an antidote to people who think, actually count on, too, that politics is the answer for world change. I laughed aloud when I heard Trump’s candidacy. And imagined, like a blown up cartoon in the sky, how people would freak. Then, my second thought quickly came:

Being shook up is GREAT, spiritually speaking. Going through a shock forces people to change. Period.


Because shock forces us to examine what went wrong. And if you haven’t figured it out by now, let me plainly remind you: politics is never going to be the answer. Trump, to me, epitomizes the material dead-endness of life. He is the final blow of a society that just doesn’t believe in the advantages of the spiritual approach to life. Trump’s America is going to force people to accept change, because he represents about as opposite as one can go from the previous eight years, of Obama’s socialistic approach to things. Guaranteed, people are going to be forced to change, and become more embracing of the non-materialistic of life. Letting go of control will become the accepted instead of the rarity.

Every individual becoming spiritualized is the only answer for world peace and equality for all. Politics never has been, never will be, the answer. To me the only solution for real change is (as all my teachers say) when one person at a time makes a consciousness-shift, from asleep to awake. This is the only time when real long-lasting change occurs, in a person’s life or in a group of individuals. This consciousness shift has happened in the past many times. Just look how women’s lib started back in the 60s. At first it was radical, it was ugly, it was nasty. But … equality for women is now part of our normal. The same shift happened when the Soviet Bloc was destroyed. How? By individuals, mostly artists and creative sorts, changing the collective-consciousness, by gathering in small groups, having secret conferences, talking, practicing, and eventually — tearing down the wall and destroying the very emblem of Communism itself.

So … bring on this radical change! Goddess Kali, who destroys negatives in order to make room for positive changes, is behind you. Start with yourself. Accept this regime change here in America and start working on your own inner life. Become one with consciousness itself! And then, real change will occur.

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Break the Solid Rock Around Your Heart

Meanwhile, relax. Let the elected officials, the government workers (who don’t regulate consciousness, right?) do their jobs for which they earned the right to be called winners in this hard election. Give the changemakers a chance to do their thing.

Sure, my anti-political, becoming-more-popular spiritual way of thinking has nothing to do with the sad facts of the ugly rhetoric that occurred during this campaign. But, hey! I know and you know that all’s fair in love and war, and that includes politics. Trump did what he had to do. He knew, as only a seasoned showman, a carnie knows, what makes people get roiled up. He counted on exactly that. And he succeeded. And Hillary sat on her haunches a little too much, perhaps, mistakenly believing the false-positive polls that she had a clear lead, and failed to present confused voters, like myself, a clear path that sounded different than any other politicians’ rap.

In the end, Trump won because people are sick of politicians.

Sure, Trump is a shock monger. But hey, so am I! I’ve had my low-level moments in life. But I forgive myself, and so have the people I made sure to apologize to. And Trump apologized for putting down women, live on national TV, and that’s good enough for me. Those who can’t forgive him are just sour grapes and sore losers, in my opinion. And shame on the liberals (mostly women I notice doing this, hmmm) who continue to circulate nude shots of Melania in a preposterous photographic line up with the five previous, well buttoned-up First Ladies that came before her. All I can say to this kind of self-righteous hypocrite is … “You’re the misogynist and bully for continuing to spread ugliness against our now legitimately First-Lady-elect, or however you say the dignified title she’s now got.” Drop your resentment, folks. As one yoga teacher said on FB, “Don’t give away your inner peace to a bunch of politicians.”

Sure, people need time to digest change. Change is tough for anyone. Especially when every Democrat thought “our first woman-Pres” was a sure thing, so sure were they that H was deemed to win. Maybe the Dems got a little complacent, too, thinking this way. Who knows? The political historians will sort it all out and there’ll be books galore written about this upset for all of posterity to examine and debate about. And of course, Hillary blames the FBI director for his last-minute opening of the same old can of worms, the email scandal that again, pointed to H’s goofy choice of public server.

But for now, we in the USA have elected, through our Constitutional method of the Electoral College, DJ Trump. I for one am amused, interested, and closely watching, with heightened sensations of wonder, whether this sudden shift in the game of consciousness will be economically advantageous, as my husband has been telling me it is. And as the captain of our ship, he wants fore-mostly to see that his family has food on the table. The other aspects of society, regulations and restrictions, have tripled under the Dems. My hub tells me the Reps, with their hands-off attitude toward regulatory agencies other than economic, will encourage private business to step forward to lead the way for a better, more fair society. I’m waiting for that. I’m going to give Trump time to prove himself in that regard. Our son is a conservationist for the State. I hope one day he has the chance to create an environmental business to help save the Earth, as many have already. With the Republicans, small businesses can exist again. With the Democrats, that opportunity has become daunting with over-regulations.

I no longer see Trump as a clown or a threat. I think his pre-election verbiage was mostly theatrical talk, designed for the attention-deficit society such as ours is. I wasn’t surprised to hear any of the shocking stuff that came from his side of the court, because anyone who’s a real carnie, which he surely is, knows how to play the crowd. And hey, his shtick got him elected. I think this shock to our complacent American “way of life” was badly needed. The millions of people who voted for him certainly thought so.

One Life

The Currency for Joy is … Acceptance!

If anyone is interested in what I’ve shared, have a question or an opinion, please drop your comment below here, or write dearlordflea@gmail.com.

An old friend of ours named Big Black (he IS Big and he is Black), a world famous congo player, was overjoyed at Trump’s shocking upset. So was the black lady whom I’d never met before, who sat next to me at the reception I attended the other night at our local African American Museum, here in St. Augustine, Florida. She had just been told by a white super-left pastor “Oh I’m so sorry we lost, we disenfranchised people.” My seat mate spunkily replied, “I’m not disenfranchised! You might even say I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I did my research, and I’m proud to have voted for Trump.” I wanted to ask her about that “silver spoon” but she left early. Next time I see her, I will.

So let’s relax everyone. Let’s just sit back and watch what the collective consciousness has led us into. The unique way the Democratic Process works here in the USA (electoral vs. popular vote), that was purposefully designed by our forefathers’ Constitutionally-fueled system of ensuring fairness-for-ALL,  made it possible for the seemingly impossible to happen here. Our President-elect is a seasoned showman who many despise (I for one, disliked him immensely, but I’m hoping to be amazed, and have cleared away my prejudices). Many others, his supporters, see him as the brazen, balls-on warrior on whose Outsider shoulders carry the burden of their economic concerns, the loudest of the peoples’ voices.

Let’s watch and see, and give the collective consciousness a chance. Relax, and let change happen. Stop trying to control everything.

When we get out of the way of needing to control things, this is when a spiritual life flourishes. Over and over, we have to stop ourselves. We have to watch ourselves and check our wanting to control all sorts of things (Note, if you’re a parent of a youngster, yes, you must control those little minds-in-development in your care). Sure, we all do what we think is right, to the best of our abilities. But if life happens to go in another direction, which it sure did this time for many voters out there — when we let go and start accepting, that’s when joy becomes possible, even in the midst of unpleasantness. If control can’t be let go of, misery and sorrow are the only results.

For the record I did vote. Because of my spiritual marriage with my consort Carter, however, I would never ever vote against his choice, because that would produce a big zero. And that ain’t spiritual, my friend. Our union is dedicated to our highest good, so we back each other up. Carter is the captain of our family’s ship. He understands economics, he understands business. And the President of the USA is the head of an economic system, above all else (example: If a family has nothing to eat, no hope of a future, all is lost for that family). I could not bring myself to vote for T as Carter did, and I did not like H or the Dem’s economics, although certain things of each parties I relate to, while others freak the hell out of me. But, politics is a lot of under-handed shifty stuff, so in this arena I trust my spouse and his decision. So what did I do on election day? I wrote my own name in, as my choice for President of the U.S. Perhaps I’ll officially run next election. What do you think?


there’s always hope


  1. b. for becasse on November 15, 2016 at 8:32 am

    Felt too lengthy to read all but get the gist and to a point agree. And then, saying T. Is an asshole (I don’t call people that and I think he is much worse than that, whatever we choose to do about it) and than in a breath, hey so are you sometimes, (so are we all)… No, you’re not the asshole he is by far, I ponder too how we got here and am not as awakened as you are (a reality, not as detached) but he is a really bad hombre with a lot of power. I will keep doing my best, always insufficient as I see it, know I have no power to stop what he may cause to happen to many and us of all – and I wake up nights frighten by what we, globally, have let out and the terrible precedent, as we are witnessing already days later. Anyway. More than I wanted to say… Yoga for juvie kids on the other hand sounds great!

    • lordflea on November 15, 2016 at 8:39 am

      Thanks becasse/e, appreciate your comment. Too bad u didn’t read whole thing. “Don’t give your peace away to politicians” at close. In peace, teZ

  2. Vickwarrior on December 3, 2016 at 10:24 am

    I too am shocked and dismayed by the choices made in November. I feel a great loss of HOPE! The consequences of this election are so frightening that I try not to dwell to much on it. I had an opportunity to discuss the situation with my 12 year old nephew. His first statement to me the day after was “T is going to kill us all !” On surface I could not disagree with him. The most powerful man in the world is a CARNIE as you so aptly put it LF! As much as I tried to allay some of his concerns, I have some of the same concerns.Thank you LF for the reminder that there is order in this chaos, that truth does survive catastrophe, and that this democracy still stands! This is both an exciting time and scary time for us, but as always WHAT A RIDE!

    • lordflea on December 4, 2016 at 8:56 am

      Thanks for your comments. I’m not looking for approval when I share, just to present my view. I’ve gotten feedback from several others, privately, that this post is too long for them to read through. What a pity. But I tell them and I mean this with all sincerity, something so serious can’t be disseminated into a soundbite. Nothing so complicated and far-reaching as trump’s surprise win can be brushed off with a few paragraphs. This is my belief. Things are not what they appear to be– is surely what’s happened. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my thoughts.
      Love, teza aka lordflea

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