Leap onto the Spiritual Highway!
Here, as our consciousness arises to the fifth chakra, the throat region, is where we get to take the most important action of our lives. (check previous posts here on Lordflea.com to review how we got here, one chakra-opening at a time.)
Now … our chakras have been made WIDE open! Because of our awareness of them. That’s all it takes. To be aware, is all that’s required. Now here at the fifth chakra — where the words we speak are our spiritual tools — we’re on the Spiritual Superhighway!
Words — and the very letters that make them up, and the very ideas behind each word — are charged with spiritual energy. Every word we utter … is like an arrow pointed at Truth, or its opposite, what I call un-truth.
Empowered by our opened hearts, the throat chakra opens ever more widely through our attention. Now we become obliged to serve Truth, and nothing but Truth.
When our throat-chakra has been opened, literally, anything un-truth gets stuck in our throats, once our hearts have opened. Why? Because now we are more conscious of serving the Light of consciousness. Our lives are now … spiritualized!
Here, because our consciousness has expanded enough (through awareness, Presence, breath-watching) our throats are wide open. Our throats are the virtual superhighway to-and-from, relaying messages of Oneness, of Unity Consciousness, of Spirit. Here — we know we must take action, even wage war against un-truth when it manifests itself.

the un-truth below is no match for the Army of Love
All things related to un-truth can also be called un-good. Some call un-good, “bad” but I don’t like labels like good vs. bad, because that only invites debate; because what’s “good” for one person is “bad” for another, and visa versa. But Truth is Truth. Truth is Spirit manifesting in the physical dimension as words, thoughts, or actions.
The vibration of an opened heart sets off the vibration of Truth within a person’s being. If a person has surrendered their ego, that is, has become willing to let go of being in control of all situations — they then operate from an alignment with the highest good possible. This is Truth. It is also called Higher Consciousness.
When people are operating from what “they think is best,” and haven’t aligned themselves with the highest good, this is un-truth. It is accompanied by negative energy that is, simply and enormously, physically palatable. Sometimes we shiver, or feel un-truth as a psychic sucking: un-truth is spiritual vampirism. It happens all the time in our social interactions, political debates, even in bitter controversies over child custodies, and all sorts of other interpersonal battles when people’s wills are not aligned with the Highest Good for All.
When a person has done “their spiritual work” … and has consciously worked to uplift their consciousness … through keeping good company, saying “No” to negative addictions, practicing meditation, prayer, chanting, scriptural studies, seeking proven, authentic spiritual teachers, etc. — what happens when Truth, the Higher Consciousness level of perception an individual’s opened heart next reaches, this center of spiritual energy, the throat chakra is …
A commitment to serving the highest good for All, not just for one’s own selfish motivations.
Feeling this Truth in our gut (see 2nd chakra posts) is what is meant by the saying, “Take a leap of faith.”
A person may not “understand” with their limited human brain/ psychic mind, but they can “feel” with their spiritual tools (among them, unblocked chakra-energy) that have been made strong, through spiritualization, through spiritual practices. This is how Truth is recognized. Through the psychic tools. The opened heart vibrates with Truth (the 4th chakra). The alignnent of one’s personal power-chakra (3rd chakra), the creative forces used for Truth not un-truth (2nd chakra), beginning with perceiving that survival itself is for our species’ highest good (1st or root-chakra).
This is what happens when we work to achieve the spiritualization of our humanness.
But what about the person who’s reading this incredible possibility for the first time? How we can become spiritual beings? Lots want to be more spiritual. What can they do? It seems daunting, formidable, overwhelmingly hard to have to work to align oneself with Universal Truth. Isn’t there a simpler way? To be a spiritual person? Instantly? If one really wants it?
Yes! Understand that … we earn our angel wings, literally, by first believing, and then taking the leap of faith that we must “Fake it till we make it!” When it comes to operating from the highest good for All, this means to turn aside from childish things. Act like an angel, period! Get over waste-of-time kiddy-time drama, and over-emotionalism (all lower chakra stuff). Don’t allow yourself to sink into paralyzing depression, or any other form of debilitating states of the lower chakras that pull you down. Fake it that you ARE ALREADY an angel, a soldier of God’s holy army.
What do I mean by “faking ti till I make it”?
I’ll give you an example from what’s currently going on in our own family.
We’ve been involved in an ongoing legal battle over our daughter’s son, now age six. The divorce happened when he was just turning three. His father, our daughter’s ex, is convinced that she is a bad mother. He refuses to cooperate in any way. In fact, the ex claims she doesn’t cooperate in any way. There is no winning this battle of two people’s wills, outside of using the court system. So this battle has been in the hands of lawyers and child protection guardians, and innumerable counselors for three years now.
The most recent event is that the father has not allowed the child to have regular daily phone-contact with his mother during his summer vacation with him. The parents live in two different, faraway states. The legal arrangement for that unfortunate but necessary situation, has already been signed by court documents. Now … our daughter faces the dilemma of how to deal with an ex who portrays her as a demon to their son. This is clearly a battle of Truth versus un-truth.

we all must CHOOSE which side we’re on
The child’s father was a big fan of what is called “a war room.” For those who believe that war is imminent — or a revolution, or a military take-over, or a battle involving arms and violence — a war room is where supplies are laid in preparation for the day a siege is underway, when supplies have been cut off and survival becomes only possible if you have taken the precaution to … create such a heinous room.
The ex never got war, or a revolution. But he has now successfully created a private war of his own within his own family. He continues to create animosity whenever possible. Recently, by not allowing a mother access to her child.
Now our daughter, after much hair-pulling and tears, has to prepare to battle the un-truth that lingers in her life. She is being called upon to protect not only her son’s fragile life but her own. She will dry her tears, straighten her shoulders, and allow her team of lawyers and court-appointed guardians to step in and take whatever action the courts and protection agencies have in place for just such everyday situations.
If she did anything but prepare to battle un-truth, she would be a “bad” mother. The ex hopes she will dissolve in emotional turmoil, and disappear, letting him win his un-truth battle. But she is strong. She will spread her angel wings and stop any leaks of her emotional weakness — and fight back with every ounce of her being. And … she will win! Because Truth always wins.
Yes, you heard me right. Truth always wins.
Well, say the Trump bashers, “That doesn’t sound right! Look at the predator in the White House!”
To these people I say, “Just wait and watch. You sour-grape politico-losers, you think this election result happened by accident? Or fraud? Or because of the Russians?” And I laugh and … straighten my shoulders, too. Because when it comes to the fate of the world, along with our family situation, I believe Truth always prevails over un-truth.
I believe the Light shines stronger than the pull of Darkness. What appears catastrophic to some people … who are so committed to thinking their negative perspective on things is the only one, who refuse to see glimmers of positive when there’s so many obviously shining forth, everywhere! — I say, “Believe in Love.” Positives always outweigh Negatives. The Light always disperses the Dark. Truth always conquers un-truth.

go for the HIGHEST — be a warrior of TRUTH
With the rising up of one’s personal consciousness to this fifth chakra, the throat region, here is where we all get to practice — by our words — being soldiers in the Army of Love. I call myself one of its lieutenants, because it is my personal calling to not only speak up for Love’s power over hatred, but to spread the word, defying naysayers whenever I can.
Truth shines with a Light within. Words are one way to spread this Light. Instead of warring acts, sometimes Truth is a kind word, a sign of forgiveness, acceptance not resistance.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
This is the war cry of spiritual activists: The Serenity Prayer. Loving words are weapons of mass illumination.
In the case of what our daughter now faces, she must regain her strength, after thinking the battle had already been won. She takes a deep breath and rejoins the forces of Light on the battlefield. The war of untruth is not over that her ex began. She must continue to wage battle … probably until the day her son reaches the age when he’s “allowed by the courts” to decide for himself where he wants to live. That will be in his teens, a long ways off. Till then, our daughter must keep her heart open, her senses tuned to the subtleties of spiritual and legal warfare, and keep close to her the advice of her counselors: her pastor, her parents (her father and me, her stepmother), her lawyers, her guardian ad litem, her son’s shrink, teachers, playmates, everyone who loves her and him! The battle between Truth and un-truth is ongoing for her. For us! For our daughter, it’s more real than for most.
For the average person who’s interested in the betterment of our world, the survival of our planet, and the uplifting of humankind’s mass consciousness — we too must maintain a vigilance in the name of Truth. We must watch the words we speak. When our hearts are open, we have an obligation to serve Love. We do this by watching every word, and thought that we allow in our consciousness. When our spiritual centers are open full-blast (and stay open!) … our thoughts and words evolve into our weapons to destroy un-truth. We warriors in the Army of Love MUST BE VIGILANT.
No longer operating from our selfish, lower chakra-motivations, members of the spiritual Army of Love watch our speech, our thoughts. Thoughts create energy. I call them “thought-seeds.” Once our hearts have been opened, our throat chakra is now activated and we speak and think thoughts that only promote Truth. This is how we battle against un-truth.

negative thoughts, speech & actions … create only chaos!
The mantra for the throat chakra is Ham, pronounced like an aspirated hahm. It sounds like the long sound of hha-mm. A good way to keep the throat vibrating, and the heart chakra resonating with Truth, is to breathe in deeply and sound out the syllable “Hahm” … and on the long outbreath say “Sa”. This mantra, Ham-Sa … is an ancient Sanskrit way of honoring God/Spirit and can be interpreted as … “God is consciousness … So It Is” ….
Another way of saying Ham-Sa is So-ham. The two mantras mean the same, exact thing, the syllables are just in reverse order. So (So it is) Ham (God is higher, elevated consciousness within me).
So’ham … Ham’sa … So’ham … Ham’sa …
When I’m bicycling I get into hyperventilation mode; it’s then that I use the Ham-sa, Ham-sa, Ham-sa mantra (each syllable a quick breath in and out). When I’m quietly meditating, the So‘ (long breath in), Ham (long breath out), So’Ham, So’Ham more mellow mantra works nicely. And other times, especially when I’m doing a chakra-arising sound-meditation, in which I’m consciously using chanting aloud to lift up the energy from the 1st to the highest, 7th chakra — I then use the single syllable Ham that is associated with the throat’s 5th chakra’s energy.
If you’d like to try this kind of meditation, using all 7 chakras’ mantras, each one sounded out s-l-o-w-l-y, breathe in deeply first, then sound with the long-out breath ….
sound … Lam (the first chakra’s mantra) …. then take another deep breath IN) …
sound … Wam (the second chakra’s mantra … then a next deep breath IN) …
sound … Ram (the third chakra’s mantra … take the next breath IN) …
sound … Yam (the fourth, heart chakra’s mantra … and breathe IN) …
sound … Ham (the fifth’s, throat chakra’s mantra … then breathe in deeply) …
sound …. Ommmmmm (the sixth chakra’s mantra) …. and …
the 7th chakra is also Ommmmmmmmmmmm (as you sound Omm envision white-violet sparkling light all around your head’s crown, the seat of the 7th chakra). Repeat Ommmm and “see” the light emanate from your indigo-colored third eye, the inner EYE OF GOD. the spot between your eyebrows. Energy lifts up automatically with Omm (or Aum, more properly Sanskrit) … and … the more you repeat this mantra and the others … the more your centers of spiritual power, your chakras, will open, stay open, and you will be operating from the highest consciousness possible. One breath at a time.
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chakra colors and their locations within your innermost Being
Are you living from the Highest Good for All yet? Or are you living for what you think is YOUR highest good? If you’re still operating from what you think is best for you, that’s okay. You’re on your way. Stay in the purification lane of the Spiritual Superhighway. Stay focused on your breath. You will arrive at the top of your inner mountain, one step at time, one breath at a time.
With great love and great respect, Love all ways!
LordFlea aka teZa Lord
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