How We Can Save Ourselves

There Is Always Hope

I have come to the realization (long ago, but stronger with each passing moment) that the most important thing in life, anyone’s life … is Love. And by this, I mean, “How do we acknowledge the unifying energy that binds all in creation together, as One.” An acronym came to me the other day for…

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Blessings for a Glorious 2014

Being stepmom in a blended family is the hardest job I’ve ever had to do, one filled with challenges that helped me grow to be the spiritual warrior I am today, and our kids, the healthy and good choice-making grounded individuals they are, also.

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Sometimes you just have to make a STAND

After the events last week in Tucson, Arizona, I simply have to say something. Usually I try not to bring politics into what i share here, on Lordflea Sings. Usually, I put the focus on us leading spiritual lives, not political ones. But enough is enough! I simply must say something, because when the sentiments…

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a slice of stewardship

dear friend,  here is an excerpt from “More Than Dust,” the book i’m writing. enjoy!   Timote and I traveled to Jamaica, our trip funded by a grant to discover a feared-extinct medicinal plant that researchers desperately needed, for a possible cancer-killing alkaloid they’d isolated from an old specimen, in a lab. Tim and I…

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