Blessings for a Glorious 2014

getting help with handstand
Just wanted to remind you, in case it has slipped your mind, that I am now “Sexy-Sex” … and the world is my spiritual oyster! Apparently I am NOT the creator of this profound thought (that one’s sixties are truly, the “sexies”) and there have even been pillows embroidered with this quaint saying, I’m told, but I think holding this affirmation helps me not give in to the sands of time (and the sagging).
I’m at my writing desk for the first time in four daze! I can’t believe what a pain in the butt the socializing scene was this year. I really just wanted to be “left alone” … like Garbo, but, of course, this is the one time of year when a family is a family is a family. In the throes of a big project like the book I’m on the final stretch of, makes me want to stay centered in the moment, in the story, in the flow of my thought-process. There’s plenty of time for socializing after I’m finished.
News of the progress of my book: I am now “filling in the narrative” … places here and there that I noted as I went through it this last time (which, for those of you new to Lord Flea, is the THIRD time this book has been written, from stem to stern). I’m adding a snippet of character or plot information here, one over there, another … you get the drift. This should take me another two-three days of writing at the most.
Then I’m going to print out and make a run-through … slashing and burning whatever I can that doesn’t sound true, extraneous, or takes away from the storyline. The word count is not my focus, i’m just going with the energy.I’m a fung shui kind of writer. And I must say, the shakit, the divine energy i sense flowing through me as i write is truly a marvel. And friends tell me i’m glowing. like being pregnant with a work I’ve long wanted to borne. A note about why it’s taken three tries to write this particular book, when I have five (count ’em) already written novels awaiting publication in my proverbial closet.

Some stories are just hard to tell. This book I’m writing is a three-generational family memoir, centering on my experiences raising my beloved consort’s two kids from early adolescence. Being stepmom in a blended family is the hardest job I’ve ever had to do, one filled with challenges that helped me grow to be the spiritual warrior I am today, and our kids, the healthy and good choice-making grounded individuals they are, also. Having so many adversities to hurdle over as young kids has made them stronger and wiser, in many ways, than they would have been had there been divorce-trauma, and an addict bio-mom to contend with. Today our kids, 27 and 29, are well on their ways to fulfilling their own dreams, and have all the emotional, spiritual and mental equipment to build happy lives for themselves. This book I’m developing (publication in Spring this year!) is our story, the three generations of our family directly affecting our family’s decisions.
My main goal, for this year, is to See the Divine in All.
And secondly, to publish “Laughing Heart: how Angel Mom earned her wings”
Each of is a (metaphorical) Guardian Angel of Earthly Life

Each of is a (metaphorical) Guardian Angel of Earthly Life

All great and glorious things to all of us for this coming year of 2014. We deserve it!

love, teZa (aka Lord Flea)

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