Posts Tagged ‘blended family’
From Me to We Kind of Love
I used to think of myself as separate from others, and therefore, each relationship, each friend, each experience I had was mine, and mine alone. This went on for so long, it’s unpleasant to think how unhappy and unfulfilled I was. Happily, it was by perseverance, and believing that each lesson, no matter how painful,…
Read MoreBlack Women’s Perspective on Becoming a Blended Family
Shake Your Booty With Love by teZa Lord I love ethnic, latino, and black music of all types, including their accompanying dances of various moves and rhythms. Perhaps this is because of having lived in the Caribbean for a decade in the 70s. Calypso and reggae, salsa, and cadans are in my blood. Even…
Read MoreThe Blended Family: More Than Being Related
Family of Merged Energy by teZa Lord Some of us haven’t much immediate family left. A cousin here or there. A distant sibling who rarely connects on a deep level, everyone keeping things “copasetic,” trying to ignore the obvious, crushingly heavy elephant in the living room. No one wants a bad feeling to rear up…
Read MoreOur World Is One Big Blended Family
Blended Family by teZa Lord As we march into this second year of living with the Covid-19 pandemic, I’m struck even more strongly at the truth of humankind’s being one gigantic family, a so-called Blended Family. What, exactly, do I mean by calling the human population of Earth, at this particular time in our evolution,…
Read MoreOur Blended Healing Is HERE
Big Heart of Compassion by teZa Lord The order of the day is to mend what’s been broken. Our new President has brought this to our attention. He’s made it clear this healing is the responsibility of each and every one of us. Not just those who think they’re “right” and not just those who…
Read MoreOur Blendedness Is Saving Us
Heal Our World by teZa Lord Here it is. We’ve witnessed the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ administration. We’re in the midst of the long-awaited dissemination of the Covid-19 vaccination (I got mine recently, hooray!). And yes, for many of us, instead of celebrating beyond measure, we’re forced to keep our feelings of…
Read MoreMy Life Purpose … Playful as a Porpoise in the Sea
Having come as close to dying as I can remember getting … on Monday I walked away from being blindsided T-boned with just a bump on the noggin’, when the super-tank-sized white Bookmobile (of All things!) crashed into my driver’s door after I’d not seen it, somehow … I consider myself not only fortunate to be alive, but am more than ever aware of …
Read MoreLove is a Many Blended Thing
Our many differences couldn’t shut off the steam valve that fed my love mojo. I wanted him. I needed him. His S’s went deep into my heart, soul and spirit. His easy laughter uplifted me, more than anyone or anything had my entire life. He was my harem of a dozen, rolled into one gorgeous, honest-to-God human being, despite his antediluvian political and religious affiliations, the exact opposite of mine.
Read MoreBlessings for a Glorious 2014
Being stepmom in a blended family is the hardest job I’ve ever had to do, one filled with challenges that helped me grow to be the spiritual warrior I am today, and our kids, the healthy and good choice-making grounded individuals they are, also.
Read MoreThe Adventures of Angel Mom
The Adventures of Angel Mom: I’m just happy to live a meaningful, purpose-filled, goofy, mud-splattered, one day at a time life. With loved ones, committed to working for the greater good of humanity in any way I can (blog, book, tweets, good humor, sharing stories with the guy on the street, making great food and sharing).
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