Learning to Live Spiritually from Nature

In many cultures the belief is firmly established …that all things in existence—everything, without exception—are Interconnected. Nothing changes unless we, each one of us, decides to Wake Up! Without change, everything faces extinction, even hope.

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Today is the Beginning of the Rest of Our Lives

You probably have noticed there’s been a change to Lord Flea! I have changed the “look” of the blog, after nearly three years with the same “theme.” Thank you very much, WordPress, for making available so many interesting ways for us to express ourselves. If anyone doesn’t like the new look, please let me know.…

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Make each moment meaningful

Hi friend, what can i do to make my life more filled with that energy that excites me? that gets me out of the bed in the morning with a bounce and a purpose? for each of us it’s a different thing. i’ve been contemplating what makes ME filled with life’s exciting call to living…

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