Today is the Beginning of the Rest of Our Lives

You probably have noticed there’s been a change to Lord Flea! I have changed the “look” of the blog, after nearly three years with the same “theme.” Thank you very much, WordPress, for making available so many interesting ways for us to express ourselves. If anyone doesn’t like the new look, please let me know.

putting new Light on a familiar subject

putting new Light on a familiar subject

Besides the new face I’ve also decided to start something new with the ideas I’ll be sharing here. Instead of random thoughts that come into my mind, usually just when I’m sitting down at the keyboard, knowing it’s time to write a post before people think I’ve gone off sailing again, or visiting the moon in my private rocket ship … I will be writing on a very definite, and to me, a very special subject. I won’t tell you what it is until my next post. A surprise! So be sure to tune into what we’re going to be singing about here on Lord Flea … where we sing as ONE.

Meanwhile, here’s some more inspiring art for you to mull over, and thank you one and all for coming to visit here on my blog. check out my NEW links to my Facebook page and my Tweets, on the left-hand sidebar.

as we think, so we speak, so we BE-come

as we think, so we speak, so we BE-come

love from your pal, lordflea


  1. lordflea on July 11, 2011 at 6:33 pm

    testing the comment reply feature. lordflea likes this post!

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