How We Can Save Ourselves

There Is Always Hope

I have come to the realization (long ago, but stronger with each passing moment) that the most important thing in life, anyone’s life … is Love. And by this, I mean, “How do we acknowledge the unifying energy that binds all in creation together, as One.” An acronym came to me the other day for…

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Today is the Beginning of the Rest of Our Lives

You probably have noticed there’s been a change to Lord Flea! I have changed the “look” of the blog, after nearly three years with the same “theme.” Thank you very much, WordPress, for making available so many interesting ways for us to express ourselves. If anyone doesn’t like the new look, please let me know.…

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an ordinary, extraordinary year—2011!

Ahhh, another turn of the year and here we are on the eve of 2011. How exciting! How enthalling! How positively intriguing. What will this year bring us? Let me take this opportunity to wish you all a most health-filled, posperous, and full-filled year, this blessed year of 2011. And I don’t say that lightly.…

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