The Many Levels of Our House

Living in a democracy means that the House of Representatives has the right (by the US Constitution) to shut down government if they do not approve of the way money is being spent by the controlling party.

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Sometimes you just have to make a STAND

After the events last week in Tucson, Arizona, I simply have to say something. Usually I try not to bring politics into what i share here, on Lordflea Sings. Usually, I put the focus on us leading spiritual lives, not political ones. But enough is enough! I simply must say something, because when the sentiments…

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Bloggin while driving . . .

On our way to the airport driving son cully who’s joining daughter Fonya in Missoula Montana where she and her new hubby Kurt live. This is my first post using my iPhone. Testing you might say. Guess later I’ll upload some art but let’s try a photo from my phone okay? Here’s our christmas tree…

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Dare to be Spiritually Correct … huh?

Hi Friend, Just back from Boston where we spent a pleasantly gentile weekend attending a gathering of old college friends.  we got to share stimulating thoughts, discussions, symposiums, dances, exhibits, and most importantly, the sharing of life’s sweet laughter. as i’d mentioned in an earlier post, i’m starting a new awareness about all of us catching ourselves…

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passionate politics

dear friend, the election is fast approaching and with it, passions are flaring, tempers heating, and this is great! NOW is the time for people to express themselves, actively promote their choice, say what they want to say, and defend the position of whatever candidate they’ve chosen to support. it’s talking heads everywhere!  for someone…

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groovin’ with the newfies

hi everyOne, we’re baaaa-ck! back from sailing the gorgeous, wild, mystical, mysterious, and oh-so-weird southern coast of newfoundland. two weeks away! many books read: my third read of “Eat Pray Love” — enjoyed it even more this time around “A Flash of Lightning in the Dark of Night,” the Dalai Lama’s interpretation of an ancient text…

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a song for all

Greetings from another, just like the others. yes, I sing the song of our hearts, loud and clear. my name, lord flea? you wonder? i gave this name to myself in honor of a now-gone calypso singer from de eye-lands. like him I am a watcher, a commenter, a person who cares. i want to share…

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