The Many Levels of Our House

The Many Levels of our House

The Many Levels of our House

Hello Friends,

I’ve decided to talk today about Lord Flea’s take on current matters affecting so many others. Why not? It’s a balmy fertile-feeling day here where I live in water-surrounded Florida. My heart is clear and open and I have nothing to sell, no platform to stand on, nothing I wish to convince others about. This is just a heart-to-heart sharing … from me to you, my Dear Reader.

A lot of us are wondering what the h*** is going on these days, with the ongoing US Government shut down adding salt to our already stinging, wounded hearts.

There’s a lot of negative energy around these day for us to absorb, isn’t there? Does it feel more than usual? If you stop to think about it, the fear-factor has been jolted into the forefront once again in recent weeks. Most crucially by the shutdown of so many helping-services that people rely upon provided by the US Gov’t, including the paychecks for many folk’s livelihoods. Federal Parks are closed, and now, in the second week of the shutdown, other subsidiary services and businesses are being affected with people getting laid off left and right and more services shutting.

Adding these tough circumstances to the world threats of war make ours a nerve-grinding reality, not to mention the heart-crushing neglect of the planet’s welfare by our over-industrialized modern culture. Here in America, the lack of caring and basic human respect is more noticeable among our youth than in other years, thanks to internet and social media. Current choices of heart-clubbing entertainment, non-inspiring music, rampant internet addiction, and other forms of dis-connections from the Big Heart of Humanity makes it hard for us to remember that we are all ONE, spiritually. Thank goodness artists, dancers, theater-makers, fashionistas still honor the human need to create or I’d have sworn some of already had become androids by the lack of compassion I see in some sets of eyes.

But am I worried?


Am I happy?


I’m just watching what’s happening, my friend. Watching and sending out positive vibes that we are all growing up, a little at a time, in our joint experience as a family of humankind sharing this spinning blue ball floating in space: our home.

Am I sad that others are worried, frustrated, angry, or reacting with other forms of negative emotions to this state of being we are experiencing en mass?

Yes, and so that is why I’ve decided to share my thoughts about how I feel.

I’m going out on a limb here, because a lot of people think if you express yourself about how you feel about things you’re somehow making a political stand. But I honestly have no political agenda, no ax to grind one way or the other with either sides of the current battle going on between conservatives and liberals in my own country. I want you to know right now before you read any further that I declare myself to be a “Spiritual Warrior” and my only concern is the spiritual well being of the entire world. And that, of course, starts with me being responsible for the state of my own mind and life’s energies. And you too, being responsible for yours.

I believe that spiritual growth is the human condition. That is why we are here. This feeling, whether from my “gut” or from my own life experiences, has been with me throughout my many years on the planet. I’ve had enough experiences with all different sorts of situations and people to realize that the only thing that matters, really, is the ongoing better-ment of our interconnectedness, our human family. And for me that starts with each person being responsible for their own spiritual growth, one lesson at a time. That means each one of us has had to endure one painful experience at a time, one insight learned, one piece of wisdom acquired at a time. But hopefully each of us has learned our lesson(S) well and we are in a better place today than we were, oh, yesterday, or the day before, or the decade before.

The same goes for the story of our humanness. We’re just crazy teenagers, we human beings, acting badly the way crazy teens are expected to do!

Nothing more and nothing less interests me in this crazy world we share, than to share with others that we are all One, and what one feels, we all feel. As Chief Joseph, the Native American told the early pioneers when they started messing with the balance of the Indians’ sacred land, “We are all part of the Web. What is done to one of us affects us all. What is done to a part of the earth affects us all.”

So if you think my stance of “accepting the negative as an opportunity for positive growth” a political one … that’s your own political perception mirroring back to you what you want to believe. It is not my experience.

Now, what about this stand-off between the two opposing factions of today’s dilemma, surrounding budget questions and what is considered over-spending by the US Government? How does that relate to the spiritual growth each of us must go through?

Because each of us, each man, each woman, each child, too, is a part of the whole entire picture. And more than being a part of, we actually are microcosms of what is happening to us here on Earth, as a whole. And that includes what is happening here in America, as a collective experience. What each of us holds in our minds, and chooses to do with our many challenges, affects the “entire Web-of-Life.” Each of our lives is fraught with choices we must make everyday. Each of us must make a stand against what we perceive to be wrong, or we feel oppressed. Each of us must insist on freedom, not allowing others to control our lives. Sometimes people die in order to ensure these basic human rights.

Have you ever asked yourself the question: Would you be willing to risk death in order to continue living free?

There’s lots of people in this world who have had to ask themselves that, and there are many who have answered “Yes!” And of course, there are those who have answered “No” also.

The beauty of being alive is that we have choices. Up to the moment we stop breathing, we have choices.

I believe the spiritual challenge that we’re going through today, as a family of humankind, whether with the painful government show-down or realizing our Earth’s atmosphere is in serious jeopardy — I believe the personal decisions each and every one of us makes every day about our own “little” problems affects the way the bigger picture will get resolved. The resolution may not happen over night. It may take a while. But a positive resolution will happen if we hold that truth in our energy-power-centers … our minds.

How can this not be true? Each person is responsible for their own life: to discover their own truth, or not to give a hoot about that sort of thing. Some of just want to try and have as good a time while we can.  Nothing fancy. Just “a good life.”

The spiritual choice of weighing that each situation’s outcome counts, is a vantage point that comes with heightened, above-ordinary awareness. A lot of people have not chosen to be consciously awake … not yet at least! But a HUGE number of people have made the choice to be as awake and as aware as possible, and by that I mean to clearly understand each situation the best we can, and not be swayed by propaganda that comes gushing out of the press, or to allow ourselves to be swayed by a group of people we want to be accepted by.

I believe that the USA is the greatest country I’ve ever been to, and I’ve traveled a bit. I would not want to live any where else but here, the longest and most successful democracy in the world. Yes, democracy means opposing factions get to have their say. Yes, democracy means even that the House of Representatives has the right (by the US Constitution) to shut down government if they do not approve of the way money is being spent by the controlling party. the House has the right to not fund a bill, even, ain’t that something! It is the right of the House to take action when they believe exorbitant spending is going to shift the balance of our country’s economy. Exercising this right of dissent is a First Amendment Right, whether a member of the House or any other citizen concerned with the current government’s operations, is what makes this country of ours so great. There is a great spiritual wisdom to having this checks-and-balances in place, set forth by the makers of the US Constitution. Therefore, I believe the current political show-down is a spiritually correct exercise.

But many do not believe this to be true. What is going on now in America is a spiritual show down, folks, more than a political one.

There are those who are busy calling their opposing party members names instead of praising the fact that democracy is being tested here. How great it is that no matter what, we follow the letter of the “law” that was set down by the constitution and not just public opinion pundits, news mongers, or party reps that are trying to elbow their own agendas in place.

I have no idea how this show down will resolve itself. I only know it is happening for a reason. We are growing up, and it’s painful. Teenagers are always filled with angst and that’s the state of affairs of not only America but the entire world. We are growing up, we in the family of humankind.

For me the reason I accept this government stand-off is that it affords another opportunity for we citizens to prove that once again, that the spiritual choices we make, each and every choice, all add up. Choices count!

How I choose to live my life today, in this little town I live in, interacting with the few people I do each day, counts.

Each and every action you make, no matter where you are, what you do or how few or how many others you influence, also counts.

Every single thought we hold in our minds counts.

If you really want to help change the world for the better, try holding the peaceful resolution and forward thinking of our politically elected officials in your minds instead of allowing knee-jerk reactions like anger, blame or resentment.

You may want to call this “energy-sent” power you have of exercising your spiritual choice a form of prayer (sending intention out to the world) … but I call this spiritual right each of us has simply “Planting Positive Thought Seeds.”

I hope you enjoy to choose these few moments we’ve shared, and keep positive in your thoughts. Each of us can help resolve this crisis by sending positive healing energy to our elected representatives in Washington, or wherever you happen to live. And if you don’t have the privilege of living in a democracy — I am sending you my blessings via my mental energy Thought-Seeds.

With great love from your pal,

Lord Flea aka teZa Lord




  1. Bruce Merwin on October 16, 2013 at 10:58 am

    Thank you energizer, energized.

  2. staugustinevideodotcom on October 16, 2013 at 11:00 am

    Thank you, energizer, energized.

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