The Many Levels of Our House

Living in a democracy means that the House of Representatives has the right (by the US Constitution) to shut down government if they do not approve of the way money is being spent by the controlling party.

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Never Give UP! There’s Always Hope

I was talking to some friends the other day, and for a change the conversation was not about bin Laden’s killing, but another cause for unease felt by many citizens of South America (where these two friends originally happened to be from). Both men were ex-pats living in America for many years, having given up…

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Sometimes you just have to make a STAND

After the events last week in Tucson, Arizona, I simply have to say something. Usually I try not to bring politics into what i share here, on Lordflea Sings. Usually, I put the focus on us leading spiritual lives, not political ones. But enough is enough! I simply must say something, because when the sentiments…

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when life gets to be just … too much!

Dear One I am just so sad, so blown away, so concerned for you and your family, and I can’t begin to imagine how you and yours are feeling. This sudden turn of events is just absolutely one of the things of life that doesn’t make sense.   My prayers are with you. You were…

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The personal touch

back at my desk after two weeks in costa rica, and days of catching up and dealing with… life! i first went to costa rica four years ago, and took with me my first digital camera and the above notebook. Once there, I decided to do what I’d been told to do in a dream…

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New Beginnings …. toward a Wholeness

greeetings fair dwellers of the year 2010. We made it! Wonder of Wonder. Miracle and gift of life, the greatest of all great things! So many others aren’t with us to celebrate this new year. I for one am certainly lucky to be here. I dunno ’bout you …. but when I think of how I…

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challenge the fear mongers afoot

why is it the news is always filled with bad news: the TV, newspapers, even internet bloggers all jump on fear as if it’s a bronco they love to fall off of, get back up on, fall back off again, on and on, as the fear mongers laugh themselves black and blue all the way…

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