New Beginnings …. toward a Wholeness

greeetings fair dwellers of the year 2010. We made it! Wonder of Wonder. Miracle and gift of life, the greatest of all great things! So many others aren’t with us to celebrate this new year. I for one am certainly lucky to be here. I dunno ’bout you …. but when I think of how I happen to still be here I can only think it must be for a certain reason. What that reason is we’re still breathing air …. is for each of us to determine our own selves.

the Self

the 3 aspects of Self

when i look in the mirror and say, “So what are YOU here for, lordflea?” I am beset by a challenge. There happens to be many different versions of my own “self.” There is, firstly, my physical self … this body i’m in (depicted in the painting above by the blue half-hidden face, a true likeness of lordflea). Secondly, there is my “ancestral self” which is the accumulation of whom i happen to be, according to the crap shoot thrown when my biological parents created my fish-like womb-being … resulting in my birth nine months later. And lastly, there is my, ahem, True Self, my Higher Self, my essence….the Spirit that dwells within me, depicted by the flesh-colored figure on the left of the image. That side of my Self is naked, serene, and lastingly eternal. Its eyes are closed because the sights to be seen … are inside.

So! When I ask myself, “What ought I do, or am supposed to do this year, or … in my whole life?” I make clear first which part of myself I’m addressing. For me, those of you who are familiar with lordflea’s sharings, i always go for the spiritual juggler. (one friend wrote me: i like the art, but jeez! the way you talk!). Sorry—this is MY blog, i’m allowed to share the deepest, most strange things imaginable, ’cause they’re all mine. That connected-to-all part of mySelf is the only aspect of life that carries any lasting meaning to me. Therefore, not only is the spiritual (mystical, sublime, Unity, Oneness) side of things the topic of my blog, but also the focus of my little ol’ life.

the expectation of Being

the expectation of Being

i look in the mirror and see that same as when I contemplate the gorgeous plants in my garden. Here is one of my tall plantain specimens, taken only a few weeks ago (the fruit is now ripening, and the stalk itself won’t be cut from the plant until several more weeks….aren’t we lucky to live in Florida!). The reflection back from my mirror shows the same familiar face, the same eyes, nose, ears, and hair i’ve seen for quite some time now. But … underlying my physical form, i now can connect to what i am, in Truth. (it’s taken years of practice … but I have learned, thanks to my teacher). Like the blossoms on this plantain, i am a work-in-progress. My “face” is but the outward manifestation of what my years living have achieved … or not. Whether I smile or not, whether i’m pained or ecstatic, whether the muscles surrounding my lips have frozen in fear or been greased by love … are determined by the thoughts i’ve held most closely, and how freely i’ve allowed them to give birth to the actions i take everyday.

The fruits on the tree are my gifts to the world. They keep maturing, as they spiral up the stalk. One day they will hopefully ripen sufficiently where they will provide nourishment to others. But for now, they are still being fed nutrients from within my own Being.

In short, what I am is the accumulation of all i hold most cherished … and it all starts in my mind. Even one thought leads to an action. Whether we’re aware of that or not, it’s true. Today I plant the “thought-seed” of accomplishing the goal I’ve held for myself for quite a while now … to publish and speak to those who wish to hear, to show those who wish to see the images i create that “speak” more than my words ever can.

mother Gaia with her children

mother Gaia with her children

even posting something new for you to read here, at Lordflea Sings, is my gift, and I wish you all a most fruitful, bountiful, and “delicious” new year….may 2010 be the best yet!

from my garden of delights --- to yours!

from my side garden filled with delights (where my yoga shed is, the "santosha shack"). A feast of delights from me --- to you!

I’m busy working on another book, a nonfiction, with a co-author, while my novel is being shown and reviewed by pros. Wish us well, as we’re deeply engrossed in the proposal-writing process, and will have it to an editor in just two weeks! I’ll try to post more on lordflea….but just keep reading deeper into my blog if you like what you see/hear here. there are plenty of things to read…this blog is not about “breaking news!”  or topical interests, even. un huh. It’s about the timeless, ageless Oneness we all RE.

Many great blessings and fulfilling ideas … leading to acts of love, joy and upward evolutionary action for all the world. One last “thought-seed” for us all to think about … and perhaps hold in your mind, so this will one day become reality on planet Earth:

we are ONE

we are ONE

lordflea, your pal

PS. please everyone….if you haven’t already, go see AVATAR….awesome, beautiful, great message, the best movie i’ve seen since Lithium Springs ( ) treat yourself to something superbly magnificent. you deserve it!

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