How to practice discrimination — and then — detach!

Wow, these are BIG topics, aren’t they? But in my experience, with these two spiritual tools in your back pocket, and the confidence to USE them, life is much much easier. Case in point: when conflict arises, if one can discern (another word for discrimination) what is the “correct” choice, the “next right thing to…

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New Beginnings …. toward a Wholeness

greeetings fair dwellers of the year 2010. We made it! Wonder of Wonder. Miracle and gift of life, the greatest of all great things! So many others aren’t with us to celebrate this new year. I for one am certainly lucky to be here. I dunno ’bout you …. but when I think of how I…

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ChanGe is only constant in liFe

This is my first Post done from my iPhone. My laptop is In The repair shop. Bear with me. My fingers are fat and the keyboard sooooo skinny. Today is veterans day. I almost forgot cept the bank was closed when I went to do some business. My dad was a submariner in WW II and in our family today we have one young man flying in the Air Force and another captain in Army in Iraq, along with his new bride. I’m very conflicted and saddened by war, nonetheless I’d like to take this special day to commend the men and women who are willing to lay down their lives to defend our country. The people who decide whether to engage in war or not are not the ones we honor on this day. Those folks often make life altering decisions based on information only known to them. My dad went to war to protect his young family from the enemy of his day, the Nazis, just as Bill and Sarah and Grant are engaged in military operations today against the hArder-to-define enemy of the war America is engaged in today, fighting religious extremists.
The name of enemies may change. The way we figt our wars change. But war is war. And the people who are out there protecting us and making it possible for us back home to have our freedoms, our pleasures, our uncountable opportunities — they are the soldiers, sailors, pilots and support personel of our Armed Forces. They are the ones who might get killed to defend our way of life. I may cringe at the thought of war, as I’m sure many of them do, and pray that one day soon our world will come together in ways that we can accept each others differences instead of killing for ours to be embraced; yes I can hold those thoughts most dear yet at the same time take the time and effort to thank each and every soldier I run into in my day. And today I’d like to thank every man and woman, young or old , in active service , retired, or passed on as mu own dAd is, for doing what you do or have done—-for all of us who cherish freedom.

My typing is belabored but I hope you feel my heartfelt sentiment: I deeply love and respect the warriors who defend the human right to be free. Like the bAganad Gita expresses: it’s the spiritual duty of all to slay evil. When evil has been rightly identified it is, according to the yogic scripture, as the Gita says, to defend the path of rigteousness, even if brother must slay brother, or cousin slays cousin in Battle. It’s a difficult concept and one I spent a lot of time grappling g with after the cataclysmic events of 9/11, but today, as both a citizon of America and someone who considers themSelf a spiritual warioor— willing to lay down my own life to defend the rights of the individual over being forced to live under a totalitRian regime— today I lift my hat and offer praises to all our Vets: past, present, and future.
In Light, your

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staying calm in the middle of chaos

nature or people–storms happen! the chaos of life can happen at any time.  storms come, sometimes as weather systems-storms, hurricanes or floods; at other times, storms are made up of just plain people with their threats, problems, troubles, illnesses, and neurotic modern-day dysfunctions. storms can surround us, even if we don’t want them to. it may not be our own problems that…

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Being human in habana

amigos, in Cuba we stayed at the Hotel Sevilla, the same hotel as Graham Greene did, where he gathered his hands-on research (lots of rum, hip-swishing women and enough political intrigue for three shelves of books) to subsequently write one: “Our Man in Havana.” Lucky Luciano, the Sicilian-American mobster, also stayed at la Hotel Sevilla, as well as Ernest Hemingway and…

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We’re going to Cuba! In Spirit.

hi friend, yes, carter my consort and i leave for Cuba on Monday, Jan. 12th, arriving in havana with as much over-the-counter medicine, powdered milk, ivory soap and ovaltine as we can carry, plus a wheelchair apiece. we’re going as volunteers with a humanitarian effort, supported by the u.s. gov’t–so don’t worry, we’re not going to…

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LOVE — that which connects us

hi beloved,   i’m glad to hear from you! such a busy time, not just the holidaze, but … this life of ours! everyone is so busy, and that’s good, but i must always take time out to stay in touch with my beloveds.   ahhhh, the storms and the troughs of life, especially family…

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