passionate politics

dear friend,

the election is fast approaching and with it, passions are flaring, tempers heating, and this is great! NOW is the time for people to express themselves, actively promote their choice, say what they want to say, and defend the position of whatever candidate they’ve chosen to support.

it’s talking heads everywhere!

opinions, passions, choices--everywhere!

opinions, passions, choices--everywhere!

 for someone like me, who basically doesn’t trust ANY politician, but feels by the very nature of politics one who has entered that realm of public life has to be a magician, of sorts, to persuade the masses to believe their views–i can only pray that the choices we all make will serve the highest good for all.

and that when the dust settles, in the late evening of November 7, whoever is the winner will be the most enlightened choice of the people’s collective will.  yes, NOW is the time to voice our passions about which candidate is ours — but after the election, i hope the country of America will enjoy a period of healing, and rally around the new chief.  in other words, i hope whoever wins, does so by a landslide.  otherwise, i’m afraid, there’s going to be more back-biting and bitterness from the opposing political parties.  and quite frankly, i’m sick of it!

i don’t trust any politician.  but i will vote.  who i vote for is my own business.  how i believe in a universal force of such magnitude that politics is a mere ant’s footprint in its shadow, is my business here.

that’s why you’ll not be hearing any more political talk from me, lord flea.

so voice your choice loud and clear, my friend!  be active!  get connected, get out there and talk, argue, and make your point — but after Nov. 8th, please be kind and support whomever is chosen to lead this country.  we have some tough times ahead of us.  we need to be united in order to grow as a nation, as a people, as individuals.

be well, be loving, be kind to one another.

we are ONE -- a united family of humankind

we are ONE -- a united family of humankind

i spoke to my hopi native american friend, binky person, today.  he and i laughed and cried and shared our frustrations, and were amazed at how similar we are.  he, who has tried to teach his fellow indians to uphold the sacredness of the “old ways” feels ineffectual, even despised by his people.  binky feels no one wants to remember the sacredness of life here on earth.  i told him he has affected me deeply, and that counts.  i’ll write more of my new friendship with hopi binky in future posts.

in the Light, lord flea

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