makin’ do with what you’ve got

excuse me while i chuckle. just got an email from my friend terry, who has just moved to moloki, hawaii, to caretake a 2,000 acre health/wellness/meditation complex with her hub, om-tom. she was writing me how hard it is, how things are just not running right, equipment breaking down, computer stolen when they went in…

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following your passion … whichever way the wind blows ya

hello friend, i’ve been sailing and motoring the inways, byways and channels around st. augustine this week!  in between nursing others in my family, and attending to bizness as usual, i had to do something to blow out the steam, and … sailing, being on the water, is one of my passions, as well as…

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Dare to be Spiritually Correct … huh?

Hi Friend, Just back from Boston where we spent a pleasantly gentile weekend attending a gathering of old college friends.  we got to share stimulating thoughts, discussions, symposiums, dances, exhibits, and most importantly, the sharing of life’s sweet laughter. as i’d mentioned in an earlier post, i’m starting a new awareness about all of us catching ourselves…

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change…the only constant in the Universe

i’m off to cambridge, mass for a fun-filled, information-packed reunion at the revered alma mater of my spouse, and to celebrate life and all its changes with our good friends of many years. change…the only thing you can count on … i’m thinking how i change … my body … where i am … my…

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sacrifice…the true happiness

hi friend, i’ve been told by my teachers, and now have found it to be true–the only true happiness in life is when you serve others.  i’ve found this by…you got it!…being in a position to serve, or else! my mom, who just turned 90 and for whom we just threw a grand, well-attended (over…

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passionate politics

dear friend, the election is fast approaching and with it, passions are flaring, tempers heating, and this is great! NOW is the time for people to express themselves, actively promote their choice, say what they want to say, and defend the position of whatever candidate they’ve chosen to support. it’s talking heads everywhere!  for someone…

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global mala

dear One, yesterday we met on St. Augustine beach and formed a human mala; a rosary bead of intent.  the focus of our 108 sun salutes, followed by 108 chants of Om was global peace.  sending out our prayers as action (hatha yoga asanas) and sound (the seed mantra, Om) was a glorious way to…

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a song for all

Greetings from another, just like the others. yes, I sing the song of our hearts, loud and clear. my name, lord flea? you wonder? i gave this name to myself in honor of a now-gone calypso singer from de eye-lands. like him I am a watcher, a commenter, a person who cares. i want to share…

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