We’re all RICH!

if you just think for a moment–that we’re alive!, breathing, feeling the wind on our faces–we’re rich beyond our wildest imaginations. to have life, to still be breathing and able to “play” this game of life–we are indeed fortunate, and rich rich rich. a lot of people are freaking out these days. job loss, economics,…

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Binky speaks of balance

my hopi indian friend, binky person called yesterday. i’ve spoken of him on lordflea before, about how ironic it is for me, a person who writes and arts, lives in the congested East Coast of America, yet holds true the sacred of all beings in my heart as the most important things to cherish–that binky and…

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passionate politics

dear friend, the election is fast approaching and with it, passions are flaring, tempers heating, and this is great! NOW is the time for people to express themselves, actively promote their choice, say what they want to say, and defend the position of whatever candidate they’ve chosen to support. it’s talking heads everywhere!  for someone…

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choose to focus on …

hi friends, we can either focus on the hard stuff in life…the injustices, the gripes, the grief, the dis-ease, pain, evil, hardships and challenges … or … we can focus on something entirely different and break free: i’m sure you’ve had the experience: what you think is what you become. athletes use focusing techniques to win; students ace tests…

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