groovin’ with the newfies

hi everyOne, we’re baaaa-ck! back from sailing the gorgeous, wild, mystical, mysterious, and oh-so-weird southern coast of newfoundland. two weeks away! many books read: my third read of “Eat Pray Love” — enjoyed it even more this time around “A Flash of Lightning in the Dark of Night,” the Dalai Lama’s interpretation of an ancient text…

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choose to focus on …

hi friends, we can either focus on the hard stuff in life…the injustices, the gripes, the grief, the dis-ease, pain, evil, hardships and challenges … or … we can focus on something entirely different and break free: i’m sure you’ve had the experience: what you think is what you become. athletes use focusing techniques to win; students ace tests…

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how it looks, how it feels

everyday i do a little bit of what some call yoga, but i prefer to describe what i do as how i’ve learned to pray with my body. it all started with PAIN. excruciating, nerve-clamping PAIN. in childhood i developed scoliosis in the sacrum area. pain became my “invisible friend” like other kids had angels, little elfs, or fairies (no…

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need a little neem?

Hi friend, a new friend came into my life on saturday night, when we had a satsang at our house. “satsang” is a sanskrit term for “being in company of Truth.” it is what you call the time when seekers of all sorts get together purposefully for the opportunity to be as One, to honor the Inner…

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a song for all

Greetings from another, just like the others. yes, I sing the song of our hearts, loud and clear. my name, lord flea? you wonder? i gave this name to myself in honor of a now-gone calypso singer from de eye-lands. like him I am a watcher, a commenter, a person who cares. i want to share…

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