My Life Purpose … Playful as a Porpoise in the Sea

my book: the true journey of a blended family

Having come as close to dying as I can remember getting … on Monday I walked away from being blindsided T-boned with just a bump on the noggin’, when the super-tank-sized white Bookmobile (of All things!) crashed into my driver’s door after I’d not seen it, somehow … I consider myself not only fortunate to be alive, but am more than ever aware of …

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The Adventures of Angel Mom

The Adventures of Angel Mom: I’m just happy to live a meaningful, purpose-filled, goofy, mud-splattered, one day at a time life. With loved ones, committed to working for the greater good of humanity in any way I can (blog, book, tweets, good humor, sharing stories with the guy on the street, making great food and sharing).

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Things Are Never What They Appear To Be

What had been in my estimation a job well done, a fait accompli, turned out to be … well, a good start. Put it that way. A rough draft of a book that is lurking between the shadows of what I meant to say, and what I actually did. But a rough draft is at least something more than what I had before I’d begun. The bubblies persist, and I congratulate myself I’ve arrived this far. A lot of work, exhausting hours, many sacrifices – yet nowhere near finished, my dear. I’m talking to myself a lot these days, friends.

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Nurturing Self, Nurturing Others …

Hi Friends, You might have noticed the last two posts are different in that I’m discussing how I came to marry a man who was a “single mom” and by doing that, I chose to take on the role of “Angel Mom” to his two beautiful little kids. This choosing-to-nurture, both myself and others, will…

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Sometimes the Universe Presents Us With —

Sometimes the Universe presents us with what we think we can’t handle but — it happens anyway. (Note: dear Readers, I have made the switch to a Mac and am sprawled out on the learning curve. Please forgive lack of images as I haven’t figured how to do that yet. Thanks for your support, Lordflea)…

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