Hybrid Vigor — an Amazed and Astounded Me

In the eighties I took all my earlier, darker attempts of visually documenting my life-discoveries to the dump, where I watched the scavengers come and take my “old” works. These people, poor and without any outside semblance of artistic taste, looked like pack rats scurrying off with leftover crumbs. The crumbs that were paintings made…

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Q&As For Every Artist & Writer

As a teen I began the earnest quest of adventuring, inwardly and outwardly. Doing yoga poses (initially for a bad back) naturally led to exploring spiritual issues (the true purpose of their invention by ancient sages). Gradually, I found answers to my seeking-quest in Native American ways, and mystical traditions from other cultures.

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High in the Sky

Hi friends … Just back from a week of hiking, biking, playing music, swimming rivers (everything–but blogging! no email either! no TV, no news!), making new and hanging with old friends in Moab, Utah! What a great treat, and i’ll upload my pics asap, but for now, take my WORD for it–this is my song…

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ahhh, the moment, the Only Thing Worth Mentioning

hi friends, we’re packing. off to South America tomorrow! wheeeee! I’m excited. Another chance to practice my speak-like-four-year-old Spanish, visit another exotic place on this planet i’ve not been to, and learn more from others. New culture, new food, new music–everything will be new, except for the similarity found around the world–we’re all in the…

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Damage Control!

it never ceases to amaze me how, when you go public, you are apt to either offend, or appear stupid, or both. as long as i can maintain a sense of humor about rattling other people’s cages, i’ll be okay. but boy, was i tested today. apparently someone whom i’ve been speaking very highly about…

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Goin’ to the Source

my dear friend …life is often filled with shocks! i know it must bring up so much for you, too, having lost your bro who’s only a few years older. guess we have to be prepared…at any minute…for the big shalambha (?) in the sky to take us up. my heartfelt condolences to you, and feel my…

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Binky speaks of balance

my hopi indian friend, binky person called yesterday. i’ve spoken of him on lordflea before, about how ironic it is for me, a person who writes and arts, lives in the congested East Coast of America, yet holds true the sacred of all beings in my heart as the most important things to cherish–that binky and…

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oh, and did i mention…?

Here it is, lordflea readers! the FIRST EXCERPT of my new book, “Dharma Brat” a nonfiction narrative, soon to be at your favorite bookseller. As I look up at the constellation Orion, here in my new home in St. Augustine, where we moved after seventeen years in Lackland, I remember that I forgot to tell…

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rainy day yummmm–sharing the goodies

  check out: www.tspspices.com they are a terrif product, maybe you already know of these little darlings.   rainy today.   last night just a good girlfriend over to visit us and made the GREAT SURPRISE i’d discovered while Carter was away skiing in Vermont…which is… FREASH spinach (two big bunches): first sautee entire head of garlic…

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challenge the fear mongers afoot

why is it the news is always filled with bad news: the TV, newspapers, even internet bloggers all jump on fear as if it’s a bronco they love to fall off of, get back up on, fall back off again, on and on, as the fear mongers laugh themselves black and blue all the way…

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