this ain’t no blog, this is a dream

friend, (remember, you can CLICK COMMENT at very end of every post, please do!) i’m asking myself today: why blog? so many do, it seems rather…uh, ordinary to add so much more “opinion” to the digital blitzkrieg. but i believe why i share my thoughts and my art is to convey nothing ordinary, but rather things EXTRAordinary. truthfully–i share publicly to speak…

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cuba dreams…art and soul

friends, soon there will be a dawning day in habana, when the celebration of other cultures comes to the island of cuba, and its people open more to others through–ahhh, art!   art taps the very soul of the human spirit. what better way to open up the minds and hearts of the cuban people, and then, in due order,…

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Speaking out for Freedom

(NOTE: to leave your comment, please scroll to end of each “post” and click on “comment” THANKS! i love to hear from ya, lordflea sings and now you too.) all right Obama!!! i stood, along so many others, as he took his oath. may the White Light of protection surround our new president and his…

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Being human in habana

amigos, in Cuba we stayed at the Hotel Sevilla, the same hotel as Graham Greene did, where he gathered his hands-on research (lots of rum, hip-swishing women and enough political intrigue for three shelves of books) to subsequently write one: “Our Man in Havana.” Lucky Luciano, the Sicilian-American mobster, also stayed at la Hotel Sevilla, as well as Ernest Hemingway and…

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