cuba dreams…art and soul


soon there will be a dawning day in habana, when the celebration of other cultures comes to the island of cuba, and its people open more to others through–ahhh, art!


a street in old habana

a street in old habana

art taps the very soul of the human spirit. what better way to open up the minds and hearts of the cuban people, and then, in due order, the economic opportunities of the country–than to celebrate something so wildly different from what each of us experiences everyday.  this is art in its purest, most supreme form. what better way to be “arty” and “soulful” in habana than to celebrate what artists there, and everywhere, continue to do as long as human beings exist on Earth–make glorious, meaningful, emotional art.  in a city known for its former elegance but now struggling to just get by, cuban art celebrates what can’t be spoken (aloud) about. Making art is so different than speaking politics, or having opinions. Art is pure and simple magic–sometimes filled with silliness, or seemingly meaningless things, blown-up costumes, insane characters, weird happenings, hopefully lots of good cheer if not unique ideas–or else realistically somber.  but either way, art provides an opportunity to have some much needed release, and fun!

Green costumes for the parade! Dance! Kiss! Celebrate!

Art is to get outside one-self. Dance! Kiss! Celebrate! Open Up!

the warm and soulful art culture of cuba is alive and well, even though there is also an element of the stern revolutionary-regime wherever you turn in habana.

the military monument dedicated to the revolution of cuba
the military monument dedicated to the revolution of cuba
monument to fidel and che's boat, plane, etc. used to take over batista in '59

monument to fidel and che's boat, plane, etc. used to take over batista in '59

i thoroughly believe that cuba will open up to the world by the efforts of its artists, and the magically subliminal effects of art.

So many artists thrive in cuba! It stunned me to see so much talent for such a small island.

everywhere you look is art in habana!

everywhere you look is art in habana!

 creativity taps the energy within the human soul, and helps to release any pent-up frustrations, or…in the case of cuba…the lack of freedom. More power to the artists of the world! Like the way the iron curtain was lifted by the combined efforts of organized artists, i know, i felt it! a spiritual energy is rippling, right now in habana, infused in the huge outpouring of creativity of cuba’s artists, known and not so well known.

habana street art

habana street art


Our Lady of the Indies

Our Lady of the Indies


in the capitol building, "Lady Liberty"

in the capitol building, "Lady Liberty"

towel-sculpture made by our hotel maids

towel-sculpture made by our hotel maids

what a glorious day to be free! in my bones i sing the praises of having had the great good fortune of being born in America. God Bless America! Great Spirit Guide our new President Obama! May we, who are lucky enough to be able to live free, continue to help others gain the opportunities we are fortunate to have. Let’s continue sharing what we have with the rest of the world–through art, or through contributing to good causes, or…by simply sending our energy to those who still suffer, through the power of prayer. We are One. Believe in Love. 

reaching out to others with our freedom song

reaching out to others with our freedom song

in the Light, lordflea


  1. Bev on February 9, 2009 at 12:23 am

    loved your piece on cuba, the art work, sentiments and the photos. BEV

  2. abstract art prints on August 17, 2009 at 3:52 am

    so nice post and thank for that.

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