To Why? or Not to Why

Not 'Why me?' but 'Why Not?' image by teZa

Recently I’ve come to the realization that being alive means something different to each one of us. Some people don’t even think about “what life means,” in fact. I find myself reflecting on this more and more, especially with the beginning of this third year of the Covid-19 pandemic, and now compounded by the circumstances…

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The Importance of Being

Book of teZ

As much life as we are allotted, every single breath is a gift. What we choose to do with our gifts can range from just “Being” to … pursuing an earnestly-felt desire. It’s up to us to choose how we spend the life-force energy we are blessed to receive, as a gift from the Universe.

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Ask mySelf, “How Am I Doing?

Book of teZ

The ABCDs of an aware and awakened yoga approach to the physical practice of hatha yoga:

Always, I suggest a student remembers their
Breath, their
Core (the inner lock called the mulabandha, engaged or ready-to-be) and their
Drishti, the easy focus of the eyes and a relaxed, pleasant-looking smile

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Learning to Live Spiritually from Nature

In many cultures the belief is firmly established …that all things in existence—everything, without exception—are Interconnected. Nothing changes unless we, each one of us, decides to Wake Up! Without change, everything faces extinction, even hope.

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Newness: we all have it, we all can make it happen, anytime

Starting over. A new life. A new wife. A new car. New job. New religion? Why not? People always looking for something better, something more fulfilling. The old “grass is greener on the other side of the fence” syndrome. Today I’m wondering how I can renew my enthusiasm. Each day I feel this excitement of new…

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