the LIGHT dissolves darkness

Become familiar with living in the LIght, and before you know it, our enemies will either fall away silently, be eradicated by the power of our combined LIght, or … come over to our side: the LIGHT of Love.

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looking for a new addiction? focus on the LIGHT

i’m totally addicted to barry’s tea a friend recently turned me on to. sigh. soon i’ll get around to asking our local publix if they can carry it. and where would life be without the slogans that helped me put down my former self-destructive ways and helped change me into what i am today. slogans like:…

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Hello life-giving sun

hi friend, please check out my latest update to “We Are ONE” on the “page” side of my blog, to the right. every week i’ll upload a few more pages of this picture book for you. wow, the “brains” behind wordpress have really messed me up! somehow they’ve changed the editing format and i can’t…

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makin’ do with what you’ve got

excuse me while i chuckle. just got an email from my friend terry, who has just moved to moloki, hawaii, to caretake a 2,000 acre health/wellness/meditation complex with her hub, om-tom. she was writing me how hard it is, how things are just not running right, equipment breaking down, computer stolen when they went in…

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Dare to be Spiritually Correct … huh?

Hi Friend, Just back from Boston where we spent a pleasantly gentile weekend attending a gathering of old college friends.  we got to share stimulating thoughts, discussions, symposiums, dances, exhibits, and most importantly, the sharing of life’s sweet laughter. as i’d mentioned in an earlier post, i’m starting a new awareness about all of us catching ourselves…

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global mala

dear One, yesterday we met on St. Augustine beach and formed a human mala; a rosary bead of intent.  the focus of our 108 sun salutes, followed by 108 chants of Om was global peace.  sending out our prayers as action (hatha yoga asanas) and sound (the seed mantra, Om) was a glorious way to…

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