Learn to Live From the Animals

  Lately, I’ve been “trolled” by dissers in social media, for speaking my mind about how I believe anti-vaxxers are not helping the larger family of humankind, but prolonging this never-ending pandemic. To my trolls I always reply, “How kind of you to share your thoughts.” Why? Why do I not bark back when someone…

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Feeling, Being Open, Willing to Change

… it wasn’t until today, just a few hours ago, in fact, that suddenly I had the ALL CLEAR signal from my gut that … indeed, I had alighted upon the “correct-for-NOW” decision. A choice that came completely as a surprise to me, out of the blue, and … immediately felt “right” with my gut-detector.

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Beginnner’s Mind

Beeman Pollination Blues

Of course this took years of practice. But the payoff the stilling of the mind, going deep inside Self, like sticking my finger into the CHARGED SOCKET of the Big Brain Itself (ha! it’s that shocking at first, so electrifying!), this place beyond thought, that, even for a glimpse that may last only a few seconds, and eventually becomes longer in time and deeper in connection — all this amounts to cultivating a spiritual connected-ness. This, my friends, is Oneness consciousness.

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The World as We Create IT

Traveling in paradise, literally, because Costa Rica is not only a beautiful jungle dream land but also a country that has no army, so therefore all its resources, economic and humanitarian, are devoted to making life better for all its citizens and the entire world. Their motto is “Pura Vida”—pure life—and that is what it…

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