How to practice discrimination — and then — detach!

Wow, these are BIG topics, aren’t they? But in my experience, with these two spiritual tools in your back pocket, and the confidence to USE them, life is much much easier. Case in point: when conflict arises, if one can discern (another word for discrimination) what is the “correct” choice, the “next right thing to…

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New Beginnings …. toward a Wholeness

greeetings fair dwellers of the year 2010. We made it! Wonder of Wonder. Miracle and gift of life, the greatest of all great things! So many others aren’t with us to celebrate this new year. I for one am certainly lucky to be here. I dunno ’bout you …. but when I think of how I…

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Life— and Death — what never changes

so here i am still discussing “change.” Besides what I’ve said previously about the constancy of change being the only thing one can rely on in our lives, and the reliance upon a Higher Power, for those of us lucky enough to hold this comforting Truth of the sanctity of life close to our hearts…

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