everything i do is a test, like this!

I’m preparing to eBook publish Heart Island: a trilogy of transformation. Now trying to figure how to insert illustrations into the books. Above is from a new scanner (epson) and here’s from my older one (hp) … see the difference? These little nuances are driving me crazy, but step by step, I’m figuring it all…

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Renew, Restore — Awaken!

This is not about computers, friends. I’m talking about the journey we all share, propelled by our inexorably searching human spirit. Each and everyone of ours. And I’m not referring to the search for the next-leader of Al Qaeda, either. I’m talking about how some of us are quite obsessed (others, not so much) to…

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Everything aglow coming from the muck below

some of you may know that i’ve been writing a book. and some of you might know that i’ve been trying to get published through the customary means of approaching agents, publishing editors, etc. etc. And maybe some of you also know how darn hard that happens to be these days. Of course: Everyone wants…

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Thinking Outside the Box

My thoughts have been centered on just that lately — how to think, and then, act! — by expanding my awareness of how things really are, outside the box. This effort has been thrust upon me by a series of events in my own life — but each and every one of us, and collectively…

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Opening to the Heart

Hi friends! It’s been a busy time in the house of Lordflea. We’ve been having lots of bonfires all week, powwowwing and music-making, dancing inside our hearts and outside under the stars. Ever since ol’ mr and mrs Hawk moved into our big tall pine tree, built their nest at least sixty feet high, right…

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