To Why? or Not to Why

Not 'Why me?' but 'Why Not?' image by teZa

Recently I’ve come to the realization that being alive means something different to each one of us. Some people don’t even think about “what life means,” in fact. I find myself reflecting on this more and more, especially with the beginning of this third year of the Covid-19 pandemic, and now compounded by the circumstances…

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Our Blendedness Is Saving Us

Heal Our World by teZa Lord

Heal Our World by teZa Lord Here it is. We’ve witnessed the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ administration. We’re in the midst of the long-awaited dissemination of the Covid-19 vaccination (I got mine recently, hooray!). And yes, for many of us, instead of celebrating beyond measure, we’re forced to keep our feelings of…

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how not to worry–and change!

today i have a NEW PAGE for you, which is a “permanently displayed” share, found on the upper right side —>>> so please click and read:  “G:  how NOT to worry” in the Light, lordflea

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