this ain’t no blog, this is a dream


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i’m asking myself today: why blog? so many do, it seems rather…uh, ordinary to add so much more “opinion” to the digital blitzkrieg. but i believe why i share my thoughts and my art is to convey nothing ordinary, but rather things EXTRAordinary. truthfully–i share publicly to speak my Truth, and my Truth, it seems, may be that of a happily gone-mad-with-love person’s … or, it may just be the result of having paid attention to the stuff in dreams i had when i was a child.

through the eyes of a child

through the eyes of a child

but then, along came the myriad conflagrations of this complicated, demanding world called adulthood. i guess it’s a calling to be an artist. i remember my dreams. i paint them. i urge them to rekindle in my imagination. i invite them in, in my meditation. this is an example of what it was like when i first experienced my Truth, earlier, when i lived in a simper, more natural way.  i guess some would call it a mystical experience, but when it happened–i just saw things like this, that’s all.

the adventures of cleozed

the adventures of cleozed

cleozed was a dude i made up. see him in the middle? sitting inside the blossom? well, i invented him: part man, part fish, part plant, so i could depict him in any situation, in any medium, in absolutely anyplace, shape or form i wish. and i did. cleozed is my hero! when i grow up i want to be just like cleozed (named him for “cleopatra begonia” and “zed” the letter Z).

of course i didn’t paint the many adventures of cleozed until i grew to be an adult. but you get the picture. for me, everything and everyone…has always been a Oneness that i feel, intuitively.  so flash forward, and here i am, and there you are…and we’re all grown up (or at least some of us can reach the keyboard) and…guess what! to me everything STILL is, feels, and appears as all One.

if you haven’t felt it yet…you’re not allowing the Oneness to seep into your cells. We are One. Trust me. Matter of fact, to demonstrate even more specifically, i’ll share with you how i depict the concept of “God”…or, Higher Power, or … Oneness:

the "dream"... a lapis sky

the "dream"... a lapis sky

the more i don’t think about it, the more i FEEL, and EXPERIENCE how things are, the more the TRUTH of all things being a-part-of-a-whole is my reality.

so how does this relate, you might ask, about the posts i’ve been doing lately about my recent visit to cuba? well…as differently as life is for those who live in cuba today, and this goes for everywhere where people are struggling–in the Middle East, in oppressive government-controlled countries everywhere, in latin america, burma, africa, all over the world, or within a bully-run family unit–inside the human heart, indeed, when we get quiet, get real, get in snych with our breath and feel the love we are made from … we are all ONE.

if you sat and talked to any individual from anywhere–we all have the same feelings. that everyone believes, deep down, that we’re all connected.

from ancient times

from ancient times

to the very most modern, insightful, techno-hip person on the planet: (not me!) try — the guy with the briefcase–

turtle island--our home

turtle island--our home

we’re all inter-faced, inter-linked, inter-loved. you were my brother once, i’ll be your sister next. today we are all ONE.

so let’s remember to live with this idea that life can become the dream we make it, shall we? i know you all do. otherwise you’d never have found your way here, to lordflea, where the song we sing is about spiritualizing the planet: each day, and in every way we possibly can.

the song of Oneness

the song of Oneness

sing a song of love, give a stranger a smile … in the Light, lordflea

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