operation NICE

In a Sunday New York Times article (in Styles sections: “Back by Popular Demand”) I discovered a fellow blogger who stands for good and kind, and NICE! please check out www.operationnice.com which now has a permanent link on lordflea —>

On the “nice” blog we get a hint of how people are changing, from bitter sardonic cynical to … well, nice! The NY Times article  says it’s about times being rough, that when economic, political, and social forces are in the works (especially after 9/11) making people uncomfortable, the trend is for we humans to start wanting to smile, pray, be more polite to each other. Yipes, this means, if you think about it, that when times are “flush”…when the economics are booming, people tend to be more selfish, cruel, and less likely to look after one another.

choose to be nice to your SELF today!

choose to be nice to your SELF today!

and then you’ll be more likely to be nice to others, as well.

be nice to others, and they'll be nice to you!

be nice to others, and they'll be nice to you!

Of course there’s always going to be the TEST.  Yesterday I was driving along here in our mellow beach town of St. Augustine when out of the blue a guy on a little ol’ scooter, for heavens sake! riding along in the sunshine, for no reason but sheer meanness he gave me the bird! There was no call for it! He just didn’t like the fact that I passed him ’cause he was doing 25 in a 30 mph zone. Well … I have to admit it was hard to be nice in that instance. Did I pass the “nice test”? Hardly. I’m copping to it right here folks: lordflea forgot to be nice when someone was so mean to me on the road. Most of the time I just forget it, or laugh at someone else’s dumbness, but yesterday, I failed the “nice test” miserably. But … I will try to be better next time. Yes I will. That’s all we can do … just keep trying to be better, one gesture at a time, one comment at a time, one encounter at a time … one day at a time.

sometimes we fall down...but we can pick ourselves right back up, and try again and again

sometimes we fall down...but we can pick ourselves right back up, and try again and again

in the Light, lordflea … trying to be nice today

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