a delicious meal from T Lord;s kitchen
i am on the last leg of my journey to costa rica, and am presently staying with our good friend, the mystical landscape painter tomas sanchez. using his computer is the first opportunity i;ve had to quietly and … peacefully share what;s been going on with lordflea. please excuse the peculiar typos, as i;m using a spanish keyboard with small differences (i wonder where the question mark is, sorry, can;t find it¡).
because i;m not at my own computer i can;t give you any of the photos or drawings i usually embellish my sharings with. but the above are borrowed. the first is from the photo collection of tomas, a tiny detail of one of his meditation-on-nature paintings, which no doubt you;ve seen in previous lordflea;s posts if you;ve been following my writings. and the second was just sent to me from elsbeth, my good friend who lives in the wild, the most third-world of the Caribbean (next to poor Haiti) island-country of dominica, in the west idies. she thought it was funny that she ran into this portable kitchen, completely unexpected, and totally transportable, as she traveled on a dusty unpave back road of dominica, where she lives. many years ago i also lived there. elsbeth thought this T Lord;s Kitchen bus was a fitting tribute to my spirit which still hovers around the verdant green hillsides of that lush island, nestled in between guadeloupe and martinique, smack dab in the middle of the antillean chain of tiny islands. i;ve not written a thing about the tragic earthquake in Haiti, dear readers, because it happened just when my travels began but i will talk about this later, believe me. something of such impact cannot be overlooked. it affects us all. when one part of Mother EArth suffers, as Haiti and her citizens do, we all are deeply touched. Just as the tectonic plates all touch and rub up each other, and one moving here affects another on the compelte opposite side of the globe, so too does one tragedy affect all of us on Gaia, our earthly home.
but here and now, i am in costa rica. this country is like dominica in that it is filled with mountainous terrain and is surrounded by water water everywhere. in Costa Rica you see a waterfall everywhere you turn. On one side of the coast is the pacific, while on the other is the Caribbean. My consort carter and i love this place. We have not been here for several years, so it was a delight to reconnect with all of costa rica;s many variations of climate and terrain, to join hands with all her smiling children, the ticos. The people here are soon going to the polls and expect to vote in the first female president of Costa Rica, Laura, currently the vicepresident under Oscar Arias, the recipient of a Nobel Peace Prize some years back for his work in democratizing latin america. we have been spending most of our time in the hot humid jungle hillsides of the southern central area around San Isidro de General (Perez), where we climb rocky cliffs and listen to the sounds of the congo monkeys as they swiftly travel among the treetops. i have gotten quite superb in imitating their primordial call. the first time i heard the congo call, i was reminded of the unrecogonizable sound that dinosaurs must have made, thousands of years ago, and how freaked any human would be to hear such a thing–today¡ So you can imagine how delighted i was when I found out that this sound came from the deep throated, big-mouthed howlers, who are never a threat but always a constant reminder that there ARE places on this good magnificent earth where we can still be One with Nature.
Next time I write i will continue my story of travels in costa rica, and any other thoughts that pass through this wide-opened mind i have been blessed with.
Last night was the first time we;ve seen television in weeks. we turned it on—and there was Obama giving a speech, i guess the state of the union, although i;m not sure. hope he;s doing okay, i pray for all our world leaders to not mess us up too badly. is that a futile prayer (question mark). I think not. If all of us sent our thought-seeds, our carefully directed mind-energies, to creating harmony, and stopped with the endless conflictual discussions–i think this world would be a better and more safe place in which to fulfill all our destinies.
sending you lots of love and friendly embraces, i am lordflea singing the song of Oneness—for all of us¡