My Hero ain’t no heroin
She did it! Patience & Perseverence Pays Off, Always!
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi of Burma/Myanmar (DASSK) has always focused on Love, Kindness, Patience — that is, justice for all humankind.
She focuses on Positives, even during those long years of isolated house arrest when the military junta that killed her father (when she barely reached his knee in height) arrested her when she left her English husband and two young sons to return to her oppressed home country to nurse her ill mother. Never to feel the comfort of her husband’s loving arms, who died of cancer without being able to see his beloved, she remained In Light, not darkness.
Now she is witnessing the fruits of her long suffering and sacrifices. Her beliefs have manifested successfully, as thoughts are seeds of all life’s actions. Her political party in Burma has peacefully, patiently, and non-violently won in the recent democratically held elections. She is poised to lead her people to the more humane approach to life — equality for all.
DASSK is my hero. I strive to be like her. In my mind I hold Loving Kindness as the highest ideal to emulate. Like her, I meditate for the benefit of serving the Oneness that we all are, in all the world, each and every one of us, united in respectful, unlimited Love.
It’s true: we become what we focus our thoughts upon.Choose Love, not fear. choose enlightenment, not worry over life’s obstacles.
Just as I choose not to call DASSK my “heroine” (which sounds the same as the dead-like drug, heroin) I invite you to choose to change your negative inner conversation. Embrace Love and Light, even in the face of utter despair as DASSK has, and watch how everything you think about — becomes reality.
My love to you all, Lord Flea, aka teZ
There’s a historical novel about Burmese history you might like called The Glass Palace, by Amitav Gosh. Gives a lot of background going back to the conquest by the English up through Aung San Suu Kyi (and her father).
I’ll be sure to read that! Thanks. And how ’bout The Glass Castle? Now there was a book, too!