The magic moment is always this one, here

Every time I look up at the sky I’m amazed at the vastness of our world. So much! So much to know, so much to do, so very many to do it with. It’s really quite overwhelming, isn’t it, if we allow ourselves to think this wildly, exuberantly expansive way. In order to carry on,…

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Everything aglow coming from the muck below

some of you may know that i’ve been writing a book. and some of you might know that i’ve been trying to get published through the customary means of approaching agents, publishing editors, etc. etc. And maybe some of you also know how darn hard that happens to be these days. Of course: Everyone wants…

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Staring at my feet

Friends, the importance of what i spend my time doing the most of has been central in my thinking of late. y’know: you are what you eat, and you certainly become what you think. that’s why i haven’t been bloggin’ as of late. wanted to keep centered in my heart, and not just spew, at…

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