How We Can Save Ourselves

There Is Always Hope

I have come to the realization (long ago, but stronger with each passing moment) that the most important thing in life, anyone’s life … is Love. And by this, I mean, “How do we acknowledge the unifying energy that binds all in creation together, as One.” An acronym came to me the other day for…

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United We Stand

united we stand

United We Stand by teZa Lord   United We Stand Everyone is so excited! A NEW beginning is here, today! Filled with hope, positive direction, Mutual love and respect … Uniting our country, our hearts That are in such need of repair.   Whenever anything breaks The energy of healing Takes effort Takes trust Takes…

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The Repairing of America

Age of the Spirit

  Wade Davis’ article published in Rolling Stone magazine on Aug. 8 entitled “The Unraveling of America” strikes me as being an incomplete survey of the current social-political-moral situation in my homeland. Granted, Wade is a Canadian, and self-admittedly “loves America” because he’s married to an American, received his education here, and has a son-in-law…

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The Scrumptious Flavors of LOVE

Look, friends! And LISTEN to my PechaKucha talk about LOVE! Then … remember! And Spread the Word about LOVE … it’s for each of us to choose Love over Fear, Anxiety, Worry, Confusion, etc. etc. Let’s change our immediate daily vibe with thinking about Love and not any negatives. Then Love will spread ……

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Get Ready, Set — GO!

… my passion in life is consciousness, which is another word for the energy of Divine Love. Words are so fickle, they never clearly describe what is actually meant, so of course I’ll be using some of my art works to describe just exactly WHAT I mean, when I say that “LOVE IS DELICIOUS.”

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The Party (and Religion) of LOVE

“I’m not going to be bullied by hate-mongers. I’m always going to tell, no, SHOUT to the world, that LOVE is the only solution. LOVE is my religion; LOVE is my political party!”

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The Bridge, our Opened Heart

fill yourSelf with LOVE

Love filled my mind with white diamond light. My body melted and I watched myself becoming this ever-expanding love. The warmth and fullness of my chest spread everywhere. I was one ball of a wholesome, loving heart. Was I chanting anymore? Probably not. Was I pure Love itself, me? Yes. Without a doubt. I can attest that I had become Love itself.

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All Lives Matter

united in our cause to make a difference--one person at a time

The more people who make it their pleasure, their personal quest, to become as aware and awake as possible, the more our society gets influenced by so-and-so’s positive energy, instead of barraged by the negative energy that causes more mishaps and tragedies, which then sells more papers, clicks, air time, and catches the attention of greedy Hollywood vampires.

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Love is a Many Blended Thing

Our many differences couldn’t shut off the steam valve that fed my love mojo. I wanted him. I needed him. His S’s went deep into my heart, soul and spirit. His easy laughter uplifted me, more than anyone or anything had my entire life. He was my harem of a dozen, rolled into one gorgeous, honest-to-God human being, despite his antediluvian political and religious affiliations, the exact opposite of mine.

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Will Wonders Never Cease, part 2 — or is it Part 102?

Guess you’ve been wondering if I’ve been swallowed by a giant black hole, eh? Well, I’ve just finished, REALLY really finished the final edit (well … is it ever really finished?) for my upcoming nonfiction spiritual guide, “Family Bliss NOW: a holistic guide to global transformation … one blended family at a time.” In honor…

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