I speak .. with opened throat

Lord Flea has done it again!

Our stressed-out world needs to know that right within every person’s own being, just as the yoga-girls in lockup found out in our class, every person has the power to change themselves. Just by wanting to. Being aware of needing to change is all it takes — for change to start happening. Of course, having someone demonstrate, or share books like I’m doing, about how change can be done, helps enormously. That’s why I call myself a spiritual activist. It’s my job … to spiritually help others who are interested in uplifting their perspective on things.

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The magic moment is always this one, here

Every time I look up at the sky I’m amazed at the vastness of our world. So much! So much to know, so much to do, so very many to do it with. It’s really quite overwhelming, isn’t it, if we allow ourselves to think this wildly, exuberantly expansive way. In order to carry on,…

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